Screen caps - ESB


Sr Member
Here's a thread for screen caps request .. I figured there's so many people asking for them, might as well put them all somewhere public.

Browse the thread first, than if it's not there, ask and when I'm gonna have some time, I'll post them here ..

Here's some simple rules ...
1. Make sure to check first my screen caps directory for existing pictures as they may not be all linked here.
2. Be as precise as possible when asking for pics, that way, it's gonna be easier on me.
3. Don't go all crazy asking for every frame of a scene :).

As you may know, these are quite time consuming and is my own way of thanking people and give back to the RPF.

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I'd like to see a few of the stormtrooper who is thrown (by Chewie) into the freezing chamber. If you could get a few grabs just before he is thrown and just as he is falling, that would be great Alain :thumbsup
Hey Paul, what are you exactly interested in .. cause the speed of the movement makes the TKs pretty blured .. so anything more exact could help ..

Also, are you talking about the first 2 or the last one that gets thrown?
Many thanks for those Alain :thumbsup Those are just what I was looking for!

A couple more of the troopers on Bespin ushering Leia down the corridors and maybe a few of the trooper shooting at Luke straight after would be nice please.
Hey Bigturc,
i'm searching for shot of Luke as he watches through the Electrobinoculars on Hoth (on the Tauntaun).

Vader emerging from the room where Han Solo is being tortured and walking up to Fett.
Thank you. For the great caps. They're awesome