Scratchbuild 32" Porkburger (Millennium Falcon)


Well-Known Member
Right now i think i spent little over year on an off doing some basic research. First looking for plans most of the plans out are off so i had to remake them luckly i found plans posted by Josh and his are very close. But i found some errors or difference in opinion so i had to rework them wasnt by much major difference was dome curve.

When i get some free time an i am not working on this i will finalized the plans and release them. Currently they are a bunch of shapes in a vector program which will give me distances in any unit of measurement. But the plans will be step by step no unknown sizes that some one will have to guess and i want to make them so a first time builder like my self can hit the ground running

The armature currently i have plans on having it made out of 1 in aluminum square tubbing. I found a local metal shop that can make it for a far price so will need to visit on a weekday. I like to something done right and paying a few bucks up front will make this easier in the end

So got the basic shape cut and i have the ribs and support cut. Hopefully school work will lighten up and i will get a chance to work on the other half



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Re: Scratchbuild 32" Porkburger

thought i post a smaller update

i was able to rib the other half with the support struts. I am going away from the "traditional" way of building, i really enjoy having this on a flat table i dont have to worry if my model is not level. Only problem is that the longer i put off the armature the longer it will be in half basically covering my kitchen table

I also got to determine the lights currently i am leaning to the el sheet find it gives the best overall look but not accurate to the model it self

Porkburger and a Coke, add some fries and you'll have a nice lunch :)

I'll be watching progress on this!
Looks cool !,

I just have to add the brilliant quote from Frank, from way back when I started says it all really..


Good luck with the build !:love

@tek2graphics: it is ruff but it would work if your still looking for it ill be happy to share

@alamar bouwman: I do plan on using original kit parts for a majority of the parts only but the rare parts ill use a cast unless the falcon uses a cast part from a kit. Right now about the buy a motorcycle (ninja 250r) so i havent had the case to start dumping on the kits parts soon though.

Well i finally got back to this took about two months to do so

Though i need an some guidance on a stumped question. I am trying to lay the dome skin across the ribs but i notice that ends up forming a wave patter (or if your a math junkie a sine/cosine wave). I originally thought it was my ribs causing the problem so i redid it and doubled the number of ribs

Picture below just a ruff test fit using the correct thickness of plastic

Thanks guys for confirming what i was thinking

After a two attempt trying to perfect it i fallowed Tim Ketzer build like what robn1 suggested. So i fallowed his as best i could used the correct number of "pizza slices" an the postion on which they sit.

It will be nice to get on to other stuff nice making progress not getting stuck on such a early stage
