Sandy Collora's Hunter/Prey


Well-Known Member
Didn't see this posted, sorry if it has been.

I liked Batman: Dead End quite a bit, forgiving of a couple amateurish camera shots, so I really wanted to see Hunter/Prey.

I was very surprised that it showed up on Netflix streaming.

While I won't spoil anything, I will say it wasn't as good as I had hoped. Some terrible dialog here and there and an ending that felt like a youtube fan film.

That aside, I was genuinely interested in most of the film.

It does look good as well. Though the double moon thing gets weird when from shot to shot they change sizes and positions in the sky. Even shaded reverse to where the sun is in some shots. (Something was off regarding some of those shots, and I think size, position, and shading were the culprit. Feel free to tell me I'm wrong.) The costumes are good, very Star Wars, which I kept thinking about. The props aren't half bad, though one that stuck out like a sore thumb was the "Clio" if that's spelled correctly. Looks like a recast of a recast of whatever the original sculpt was, lol.

Overall, it feels like it was "almost there", which is a compliment considering it's his first feature.

I'm a sci-fi guy, so to me it's definitely worth a watch.

If any of you do watch it, I'd like to know your thoughts.
Finally got around to watching this. It's been sitting on my Netflix query for awhile, an I was just going to skim through it and see if it was live action (cover sort of seems CGI for some reason).

I ended up backing up and watching the entire thing through! Like oujala stated, some of the dialog was iffy. One of the major shockers of the movie wasn't really a shocker as much as it hoped for either.

I kept thinking the entire time that it was a team of Boba Fetts running around! The armor is so similar (at least it is to me, I'm not a huge star wars fan so I'm not an expert). The ending obviously begs a sequel. Like, REALLY begs. Which would be nice. If they don't make one then I'll kind of be pissed because of the ending. The movie sort of stops in the middle of a conversation. Oh well.

Overall it was a decent watch. Nothing mind blowing. Disappointed that all of the aliens in the universe are humanoid, but with such a low budget, they pulled it off well. I hate movies with only CGI for all the special effects. They went old school with this one and did it for real, which is great. Give it a try, I doubt you will be disappointed.
The Clea unit was a custom made vacu-form prop with applied details in vac-form plastic. I think there's some clear pictures of it on my website. It may look recast because of the heavy weathering. Sandy's directives were to weather the heck out of everything, these characters were supposed to have been on a serious mission capturing the prisoner AND in a fiery crash too.

It was Sandy's full intent that the characters look familiar to the Star Wars universe, it was his homage to the films of the era that we loved and formed his (and mine) tastes. 1970's Star Wars, 1970's BSG, Logan's Run, 1968 Planet of the Apes, etc.

Thanks for the compliments on the props and armor. We had a very limited budget to work from and a very short schedule.
I was pleasantly suprissed by the whole thing ,
for a full lenght film they did really well,
I want one of the centurian helmets I think they were awsome !!
I watched Dead end up to the point where the Alien, (guy with an Alien suit available to appear in ANY fan film....) turned up....i just uttered a classic Blackadder, "....oh god......" and turned it off. However, I loved the overindulgent shot of Batman standing up in the puddle, causing his cape to drag together! That's the sort of shot Burton would have used...if he'd thought of it.

Caught this on Netflix recently. I'd never heard of it before. Low budget yes, but I enjoyed the hell out of it.

From the Mando-esqe armor to the ship design, I really liked it.

It spoke out to me with real props and smaller production in a Mad Max kind of way. But then I love movies like Cube and such. They have a work with what you have kind of feel to them.

I liked it better than Outlander in any case. My only complaint would have been the Nerf Longshots because they're just so distinctive no matter how you dress them up. But then Star Wars did the same thing with WWII guns so I guess I can't pick on that much. The Longshot hybrids really did look nicely weathered.
See personally I dont know nerf guns so the Nerf gun thing didnt stick out to me at all
, but , thats low budjet film making, use what works and they did it well (I think any way)
I watched it last night. I thought it was a fine example of what talent can bring to a project with very little money. I enjoyed seeing the storm trooper chest plate on the merc, and loved the weathering on all the equipment. The make up effects were excellent. It had to be hard to do that with sweating actors.

Were the nerf guns rigged with pyro? Seemed like more than just CGI going on with them. What did you use for the ammo?
My brother mentioned this movie a few weeks ago. I started streaming it on Netflix and it's actually pretty impressive (and the picture is nice and crisp). I really like the Boba Fett-ish armor. Excellent weathering. I don't even mind the Nerf guns. The professional (and tasteful) score helps as well. Too bad the vocal effects don't disguise the bad acting.

Based on the character names, someone was obviously a fan of the Micronauts! :)

(Back for more...)

The more I think about it, the more impressed I am. What I really appreciate is that such care was taken with the costumes (and the SFX makeup). I'm sure it would have been easier and cheaper just to rent the Starship Troopers Space Soldier Armor Deluxe Pack. So...thanks!

My only major gripe is that the scene where the two guys take off their helmets for the first time was anti-climactic. If we hadn't already seen another (dead) soldier with his helmet off, it would have had much more impact. Maybe they'll fix it in the special edition. ;)
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I have to say that I was completely impressed by this movie. It reminded me that one does not need millions of dollars in production budget to tell a compelling story. The movie was well shot, the score was superb and the make-up was spot-on.

That being said, the prop design was quite lovely for a movie with such a limited budget. The use of the Nerf Longshot was prominent, but the weathering did manage a nod out of me. I do not fault productions like this for not completely inventing every facet of their universe. If you have a story to tell and such limited resources, things can be forgiven. I would genuinely recommend this film to bored Sci-Fi lovers. There are much worse ways to spend an hour and a half.

The only bad acting that grated on me was the complete amateur performance of the commanding officer character of the original trio. Anger is one of those trickier emotions to play out and he failed spectacularly. This may cause some viewers to shut off the movie before it reaches points of interest in the plot.
Just watched this and I agree with almost everything that is said about it. The first shot of the armored character - clearly Boba Fett inspired, even down to the belt.

The music was very POTAesque.

I agree with the digital effects also. The moons just stood out - something not correct about the effect. I was really impressed by the ship when it rises. :thumbsup

The acting wasn't Oscar worthy, but it also wasn't awful. At least the actors felt like they had some experience.

I also agree with the Clea transponder - that was the only prop, to me, that really stood out as a prop. I don't know how to say it without it sounding bad, but it just looked like a non-working toy.

With all that said, I think it was a worthwhile undertaking. I don't know much about the production, so I'll assume it was independent and for that, I'd say it looked very professional. For the type of film it is, it was extremely well done! Congrats to all who worked on it.
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I'm glad mostly everyone here thought it was good. An example of a film that, given a bigger budget, could do great things I think.
I agree, and I really hope and think that everyone involved on that film could make it somewhere in the biz.

I can only hope that my feature film endeavor could turn out that good.
I was on eBay late last year and noticed this costume that reminded me greatly of characters from the Star Wars universe. It was one of the actual screen used costumes from the movie Hunter Prey.

I had not seen the movie at that time, but thought the costume/armor was very cool. I ended up winning the auction and only realized it was being sold by the director Sandy Collora as we exchanged emails.

When the costume/armor finally arrived, I was absolutely blown away by the level of detail from the unique under-suit to the battle damaged/worn armor.

I have many replica costumes including a signature edition Boba Fett helmet by Master Replicas.

The Boba Fett Master Replicas helmet, especially for a "mass produced" item was very well done including the paint job. At the time I thought this was a great helmet. But the Hunter Prey helmet worn by the character Croyer blows the Boba Fett helmet away with its great battle damage/weathering. To be fair, Master Replicas did an outstanding job on the Boba Fett helmet, but being mass produced it just can't compete with a one-of-a-kind where great care was take in the weathering and battle damage look including the deep scrapes and cracks.

After seeing this suit in person, I knew I wanted more. Luckily Sandy was willing to part with the Commander Karzar suit/armor and later the armor for a landing party officer.

Commander Karzar came with a non-functioning Clea prop and with his screen used handgun/knife.

I have read of some people criticizing the weapons for being based on Nerf guns but you have to remember Sandy and his crew had a very small budget to work with and thus needed the do whatever they could to cut down costs.

For example, the custom under-suits were not cheap to make. Although in the film there are at least 6 armored characters, only three complete under-suits for the armor existed used since all the characters, especially the landing party, did not appear with the earlier shown characters.

I have two of the full under-suits, and found adequate gloves/boots/pants/jacket to complete the landing party outfit for Halloween. The Landing party helmet also states "Logan and landing party officer" so it may have been used for more than one character.

I have compared the handgun to the original Nerf gun used and the modifications to the gun is extreme. My favourite mod to the gun are the dip-switches at the bottom of the gun that can be flipped to illuminate a colored meter on the left side of the gun to indicate how much ammo is left. The handgun is again, like the armor, very well painted/weathered.

I also purchased the one available rifle which is huge and goes great with the costumes. The handgun is still my favorite for the paint job/weathering, but the large rifle with its additional clip is impressive too. This is the gun that gets damaged by the prisoner.

I would have loved to have had the other rifle used in the movie but according to Sandy it was lost in the desert during the final day of shooting.

The Commander Karzar helmet is my favorite of the 3 with the very nice battle damaged, especially with the "laser" burn that runs along one side of the visor.

Hats off the the talented folks at Hanger 18 Studios for their superb work on all the armor and movie props.

As for the film, Sandy kindly included a DVD copy of it with the landing party armor.

Although I found some of the dialogue at the very start of the movie to be a little hard to hear, after a minute or two I had no problems with the sound. Visually, this movie is a treat to look at for the quality of the video. I found the movie held my interest to the end, but as some have mentioned would have preferred an ending that wrapped up the story. The ending does beg for a sequel and I hope some day Sandy will do one. I enjoyed the movie very much and would recommend it to anyone that is a fan of 1970 Sci Fi movies.

I do hope Sandy can get work on bigger productions where he has the freedom to do his magic on a larger scale, like what he did on this "small" production. Nothing came across as "small" when I watched the movie though. The effects were well done, the costumes/makeup were excellent and I personally thought the acting was more than adequate. I really enjoyed Clark Bartram's performance as Orin Jericho.

I find it interesting that some people compare the Hunter Prey costumes to Bob Fett. Sure there are similarities such as the gauntlets, and cape. But the helmet, suit and other armor look very different to me. If anything, the upper chest/back/shoulder armor reminds me of the Stormtroopers armor. I am sure the Hunter Prey outfits were in part a homage to the Star Wars costumes too. I think I read somewhere the Boba Fett helmet was influenced by Roman helmets and I can seen this influence in the Hunter Prey helmets too.

Another thing I liked about the costumes in the movie for the main armored characters who pursued the prisoner was their uniqueness. Although based on the same cast for armor, they have slight differences in their helmets/suits/weapons and color schemes to make them unique. This helped make them come across as unique characters in the move too instead of just clones of each other.