RUNNING LOW!!! eFX Ep II & CLONE WARS Clone Trooper Helmet

Kuhn Global

Sr Member
Ordering for this beastie just opened at 9am PST today... $429 plus tax and shipping!

I BOUGHT ONE! (y)love:thumbsup

According to Barry, there were 600 people signed in at the time the sale began... DON'T MISS YOUR CHANCE fellas! There are only 1000 units...EVER!!!
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New photos!

This beastie Helmet arrived from eFX just FOUR days after I ordered it (which was when it went on sale!)!!!!

Talk about QUALITY!!! eFX certainly has done an excellent job with this helmet!

I apologize for taking so long to present photos as I was laid up due to a surgery. It arrived just after I had it and I asked that it be opened immediately so I may see it! IT IS BEAUTIFUL!!! :D As a matter of fact, I think I am going to get a second one before they run out to paint it like Captain Rex's killer helmet in The Clone Wars! SWEEEEET! :D

A HUGE Thank You to Barry and the eFX Team for GREAT QUALITY and a job WELL DONE! If this is how eFX is to be run, then count me 'IN' for EVERYTHING you will sell! (y)love:thumbsup

Since the photos are Hi Res, I left them as links only.

Please enjoy the photos! And thank you for looking! :D
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Thanks for posting those images, Ive been wanting to model that helmet for a while but, was having trouble finding good reference. I see you got a very low numbered one, you must be stoked! I think it's a shame they opted not to include the neck ring but, that's really a pretty minor gripe. The finish looks great :D I hope they do royal and senate guards at some point.
That is a very nice helmet. More important, I am happy to see that it is being delivered on time, and no year+ delays. Good job eFx.

So, who is going to be the first person to troop in one of these?
I've been tempted, as I'm putting together an EP II clone costume, but I'd hate to spend that kind of money just to re-paint it, and weather it.. and basically destroy it.
You are welcome fellas! And thank you for the kind words! :D

LOLOLOL... funny about the fumes... my MR EpIII helmet was pretty raunchy with fumes... still is... but this eFX EpII Clone helmet doesn't even have a hint of fumes in mine. I am impressed indeed. :)

I also would love to see one of you guys do an EpII, or Clone Wars complete Clone Trooper armor suit! Especially one like Capt Rex! Or Cmdr Cody with some of the alternet helmets.... SWEET! :D