Rubies Vader which mold was it.


Well-Known Member
I am currently upgrading my Rubies' Supreme and I wondered: It say taken from the original molds. Has anybody actually figured which molds? I mean is it taken from stunt helmets or promotion tour helmets. With all the little thing it has like the fourth nose slit and the rounded cornes around the mouth. Or were all of the helmets fixed after the have been taken out of the molds?

I have heard it comes from the old Don Post molds. There are some similarities between the two domes (warped line in the back) but I have yet to confirm that this is due to them being from the same mold. From what I heard they modified the Post molds (ie added the fourth nose slot). I'm sure some of our resident experts will be able to chime in here.
there is no way the supreme was taken from the rots molds as there are too many inacuracies. after doing a ton of mods on my supreme helmet it looks really good and closer now to ep3. the shape of the dome looks accurate however, so im not really sure
The Rubies Supreme Version is a Brand new mold.
It say on the box that it is cast of the ORIGINAL MOLDS from Lucas.

This is NOT a mold from ORIGINAL SCREEN USED Molds.

They play with word to make it sound like it comes from the movie.
Also by showing a photo of the movie costume they trick it even more.
But they are NOT lying.
It is a Original mold but not a movie mold.
Its just a mold made for that intent.

Non of the parts is any accurate to the movie. NON.
The molds are brand new made for that costume only. Nothing is origial to it.
It is a toy costume if i may say so (Please not that i personally think that it is)
I cant see it being an original mold. The warp line on the back of the dome is exactly like the DP Deluxe. I know this because I have a cking helmet which was cast off the DP deluxe and standing next to my Rubies the warp line is exactly the same. Why would this be replicated if it were the same mold?
The face looks like a DP deluxe to me as well but the dome reminds me of a CA, thats just what i see it as, but from looking at the all together helmet it looks to me like an ESB mold.
I agree with Gundam...
DP deluxe for the faceplate
DPCA for the dome....
My deluxe dome doesn't have the same anomily as the Rubies dome. But My CA does Just not as bad...
Anyone have some pics of a CA dome they can post?

This is strange because as I said my cking lid has the same warp line in the dome. The cking was cast directly off a low numbered DP deluxe.
Please forgive the size i cut it down but it's still big :(
Originally posted by GundamZeppelin@Feb 17 2006, 10:41 AM
Please forgive the size i cut it down but it's still big :(

Thanks for the pics Gundam.

I cant really see the warp in the dome, it is not clearly evident to me.

I am going to take pictures of my cking dome and my Rubies dome to show what I am talking about. The cking was cast directly off a low numbered DP Deluxe, as I mentioned earlier. I will try and get these pictures up today or tomorrow.
it is probably safe to say that it is made with modified molds from don post with a combination of both classic action and the deluxe model
Originally posted by darth_manu@Feb 17 2006, 10:17 PM
it is probably safe to say that it is made with modified molds from don post with a combination of both classic action and the deluxe model

IMO this sounds about right


Originally posted by darth_manu@Feb 17 2006, 06:17 PM
it is probably safe to say that it is made with modified molds from don post with a combination of both classic action and the deluxe model

After looking at other sources I would say that's right too.