ROTS-Clone Commander Neyo Costume.


Well-Known Member
I bought this costume a few weeks ago form a friend here in the uk, complete and ready to wear, so I am not taking any credit for it's build etc. But I did have to re-trim it to fit myself and had to re-do the weathering on some parts of the armour. The armour I believe is an OCSC item as for the hemet I'll find out as I haven't the paperwork to hand. The photo's were taken last month at Collectormania in London and it was it's first time out with myself, it did get quite a fair amount of attention and I did manage to get a couple of photo's with Alice Krige ( the Borg Queen, First Contact ) And she loved the costume and was fantastic to talk too. Still got a few minor tweeks to do to it as the shins need a little more taking out and the thighs the same, but I am happy with him, I fitted the ron-fx into the belt pouches as well as the battery packs as I don't want to de-kit to turn the voice effects off,also fitted cooling fans into the lid with twin battery packs incase one runs out while trooping. Anyway hope you guys like the Neyo, look forward to reading your thoughts and comments guys and thanks for looking!






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Re: ROTS-Clone Commander Neyo Cosume.PIC'S ADDED.

The helmet looks like an OSCS too. I have an SGB version with a sharper visor. Looks very nice. I gots love for Neyo
Re: ROTS-Clone Commander Neyo Cosume.PIC'S ADDED.

Very nice. :thumbsup This is the version I would like to do one of these days. :cool
i do so miss my neyo (it used to be mine lol)

looking good buddy and was great to see you in london
Thanks for the great comments on the Neyo guys. I can't take any credit for the initial costume build as I didn't build him, I only re-trimmed him to fit me and re-do the paint, weathering where I had done the re-working on the costume.

Was great to meet you aswell at London Collectormania Daz and thanks again for the Neyo, he's awesome!!! Look forward to seeing your Judge out an about and to catching up with you next year mate.

Just wish they had given Neyo a bigger part in the film as he is an awesome looking Clone command trooper, the lid just blows me away!!!

I'll be posting up a few more photo's later tonight as I've been asked to do a guest appearance to help raise much needed funds for a childrens charity called Clic Sargant at our local Tesco supermarket.
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I hope when I get moving on mine it looks half as good as this. Outstanding job! Looking forward to further pics.
It looks really nice - I'd dirty up your command sash and buckle (they look too clean :) )...

The sides for the connection between front and back & cod and butt are interesting...what material did you use?

Great to see fellow Neyos

Great looking costume! Neyo is one of my favorite clones as far as armor (actually, I like all of the clone commanders). Helmet is definitely an OSCS. I have one and I don't blame you for being blown away by it. It's awesome! Agai, great suit, brother! :thumbsup