Rorschach Trench Coat


Sr Member
Hey everyone,
What is the best way to find a good trench coat online? I was hoping to go pretty cheap for this coat since I'm gonna dirty it up for authenticity. Thanks.
The best "Way" to find one online is to use the internet search features via a site like google, or even ebay.
Brick and mortar wise, hit up some thrift stores. I looked a few times in store and eventually found a trenchcoat for $3 perfect look. Not too shabby of a price.
What is the best thing to search for? Is it normally referred to as a double breasted trench coat or a 3/4 length coat?
Seems to be both of those things. I'd go with double brested though to start with. It'll probably draw more options to look at. I tried to find Constantine's coat or something similar and never got anywhere looking under 3/4 coat.
How 'bout to make one yourself? There arent many good reff pics though,but quite....
One of my favorites

Just a heads up. Check your local Goodwill thrift store. I found many good matches. Now I'm not one to match up stiching and color swatches to get the exact 100% match, but when I went I found at least three damned close trenches right down to the color. I just picked the one that was closest to my size. It cost me 11.00 plus tax and it even had a zip out wool liner and was made by London Fog. Seriously, how close does it have to be to pull off the costume?
Seriously, how close does it have to be to pull off the costume?

Considering Rorschach will most likely be this year's Joker, accuracy will be the only way to set yourself apart from the crowd. I'm almost exactly Jackie Earle Haley's height and I've almost got the voice down; that plus screen-accurate gear should help keep me separated from Joe Schmo Rubies and his pantyhose inkblot mask. :$

But at the end of the day... aren't you being accurate for yourself?
I'm researching the trenchcoat right now, and hope to have it finished before SD Comic-Con. When I'm done, would anyone be interested in the pattern?

I'm built almost exacly like him too...I got the same muscle build and red hair to boot.

Less than an inch of height difference between him and I, lifts in the boots will close the gap. And our speaking voices are quite similar, I'm just trying to find that sweet spot in my Rorschach voice where my throat doesn't feel like I just finished chain-smoking a pack of cigarettes. :lol

Blending Solid Snake and Bale Batman seems to be doing the trick. :D
Does anyone know the original maker? Someone on the filmjacket forum suggested Jonathan A Logan (made the fight club, minority report jackets) but is the conclusive?
I'm researching the trenchcoat right now, and hope to have it finished before SD Comic-Con. When I'm done, would anyone be interested in the pattern?

Less than an inch of height difference between him and I, lifts in the boots will close the gap. And our speaking voices are quite similar, I'm just trying to find that sweet spot in my Rorschach voice where my throat doesn't feel like I just finished chain-smoking a pack of cigarettes. :lol

Blending Solid Snake and Bale Batman seems to be doing the trick. :D

I would be extremely interested in the pattern! I'm not even putting together a costume, I just really like the 3/4-length waxed cotton look, and I hear tell that it's super-hard to find patterns for men's trenchcoats.
I would be extremely interested in the pattern! I'm not even putting together a costume, I just really like the 3/4-length waxed cotton look, and I hear tell that it's super-hard to find patterns for men's trenchcoats.

Tell me about it! I spent hours trying to find an appropriate pattern to modify into Rorschach's coat, but aside from gaudy Halloween costume stuff, men's trench coat patterns are hardly anywhere to be found.

I've got a somewhat similarly styled coat I'm going to be ripping the seams out of to form a base pattern, and then I'll work my way from there. I've been screencapping the video journals and trailers like crazy in addition to using promotional images, so when I'm done it should be damned close to accurate!

I'll start a thread in costuming once I've finally made up a prototype and know the plans work (and post the pattern accordingly) but this probably won't be till April.
Considering Rorschach will most likely be this year's Joker, accuracy will be the only way to set yourself apart from the crowd. I'm almost exactly Jackie Earle Haley's height and I've almost got the voice down; that plus screen-accurate gear should help keep me separated from Joe Schmo Rubies and his pantyhose inkblot mask. :$

But at the end of the day... aren't you being accurate for yourself?

I'm exactly Jackie's height :) I know my Rorschach won't be as accurate as yours thanks to time restraints and lack of funds, had to panic buy a lot of things, coat, could only find beige, hoping to darken it with beeswax) and material for the mask. Had some, made a mask, naffed up the "face" so have to start over. Will literally have a week to put it all together. I did win a purple pinstipe suit on Ebay for £34, woohoo, but it got eaten by moths while in the sellers wardrobe :( Still, as long as it beats the store brought costumes right? haha