Seriously, how close does it have to be to pull off the costume?
I'm built almost exacly like him too...I got the same muscle build and red hair to boot.
Magnoli will get it right.....He's the man.
I'm researching the trenchcoat right now, and hope to have it finished before SD Comic-Con. When I'm done, would anyone be interested in the pattern?
Less than an inch of height difference between him and I, lifts in the boots will close the gap. And our speaking voices are quite similar, I'm just trying to find that sweet spot in my Rorschach voice where my throat doesn't feel like I just finished chain-smoking a pack of cigarettes. :lol
Blending Solid Snake and Bale Batman seems to be doing the trick.![]()
I would be extremely interested in the pattern! I'm not even putting together a costume, I just really like the 3/4-length waxed cotton look, and I hear tell that it's super-hard to find patterns for men's trenchcoats.
Considering Rorschach will most likely be this year's Joker, accuracy will be the only way to set yourself apart from the crowd. I'm almost exactly Jackie Earle Haley's height and I've almost got the voice down; that plus screen-accurate gear should help keep me separated from Joe Schmo Rubies and his pantyhose inkblot mask. :$
But at the end of the day... aren't you being accurate for yourself?