Robocop armor Pepakura Research


New Member
Hi !!!

Im amazed with this forum and all the replicas that I have seen here...

So I decided to make my own replica of robocop armor

Im trying to model it in 3dsmax , I think I can aproximate it in high polygon mesh,


but I dont really know what is the best for later model it in pepakura... so.. looking at the low poligon mesh .. what are your tips ?
dow you think it will need more polys ?

remeber this is a wip model ...


actual progress:

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another choice is forget the low polygon process and then later retopology the high polygon mesh for the best pepakura finish
another choice is forget the low polygon process and then later retopology the high polygon mesh for the best pepakura finish

That´s what I do (or plan to do) with my projects ;) I sometimes can´t stop at fiddling about with small details that won´t be in the pep file anyway, which costs me insane amounts of time, though. But then again, I am just a hobbyist 3d artist ;)
Ive got a full set of robo cop MD/HD armor on pepakura that needs to be unfolded. Pep me if you want a copy.
Any progress on this?

I made one up in Blender for Fallout 3, can send you a copy if interested. Would love to see it used for pepakura.