Riddick (Post-release)

There's a guy in Necro armor in the trailer, so there's still some presence there, it seems.

Almost seems like it's trying to be the same planet from the first film, but the creatures are different.

And yeah, it does seem like a bit too much of the story being given up there, unless all of this takes place in the first half hour, and the rest of the film opens up from there. Unlikely, though.
i agree. This felt more like a a summary than a preview.

Well... If ya watched that ya really don't have to see the movie! LOL!!!

First half: riddick alone, gets tracked by a group of bounty hunters... Kills 3... At least 2 of those deaths are SHOWN in the trailer...

Hunters capture him... Threaten to decapitate him but are cut short...

Second half: basically PB rehashed....

Hmm... Mighta been a fun ride if it wasn't ruined by the trailer...
there is a necro pistol, armor, glaves.... Looks like they stuck to the story that he is dumped by the necros. Too bad about all the generic framing for CGI sets. Things like that kill it for me.
I've been reading up on this and looking at the photos and now the sneak peek and I still can't figure out WHEN this takes place.

Is it before Chronicles? If so, okay... I guess I can see how that makes sense.

But if it is after, I'm concerned. I was really hoping we'd see him dealing with the Necros in some way but it looks like they're just dropping that story line and starting with him going back to just being a big bounty.

How and why? Did they all just bow to him and then Vaako tricked everyone into dropping him off on some planet to die, or did Riddick say, forget this and ask to be dropped off?

I love this universe and the character and the back story and the action, set, costumes etc... but really, it was the story line between first Fry and Riddick and then Jack/Kiera and Riddick that was a huge reason I LOVED the movies. The plot line and his development are really what makes it for me... So now what?

Will we see more of the Furien who showed him his history in a vision? Will he fulfill some other destiny?

Right now it looks like it's just Riddick running for his life and killing bad guys and monsters...

Please someone tell me there is some deeper plot that I'm missing.

My thoughts exactly, it seems as if they are completely glossing over the Necro/Furian storyline and just rehashing Pitch Black. I REALLLY hope that is not the case, otherwise I am going to be very dissapointed,
Holy crap I watched the trailer and I feel like I've already seen the movie. Saved me some money I did. :thumbsup

Do they have to use the same "You're not afraid of the dark" line in every movie. Lame.

Ever wonder why the stupid bounty hunters don't just wear night vision goggles to level the playing field?
Not sure exactly how much I can say, but it's set after Chronicles (hence his new Necro design goggles) and the Necro's are covered in both the story and flashback sequences (and some of their new costumes are very nice!) but yes, there's deeper plot, not completely wiping the slate clean back to Pitch Black.
Going back to the themes of PB isn't a bad thing in my opinion, but I must admit I too was disappointed by some of the parts the trailer felt the need to show..
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I was worried that they weren't going to keep going with the developing of Riddick as a murderer who cares nothing for anyone to someone who is convinced by a woman to save a kid and a priest and then actually risks his life many times to rescue the now back-talking, ungrateful teen from the clutches of an evil empire...

If he's in this movie going to now be a big softy for puppies, I see that they are continuing down the same path of sweet 'd'awwwws'. :love

With this clip alone, my faith is restored in this franchise. :lol
Katie Sackhoff...Sweet. Really looking forward to this film.
We loved both Films....couldn't care less if it was R or not just as long as it was entertaining to the Max. the art work in Chronicles was Outstanding.
i liked chronicles as a film but it was a pointless 'riddick' movie.

might as well have just called him something else, wouldn't have made any impact on the movie and the whole necro thing seemed a bit ott compared to the 'realism' of pitch black.

hard to explain that one but in pitch black i got the feeling humans were the only race in the galaxy (different worlds perhaps but still human) and the creatures were a real frightening and unknown aspect. in chronicles everything seemed too fantastical with necros, and hovering ladies, and weird scanning creatures.. was just ott. not as a movie, but as a follow-up to pitch black.

hope that point makes sense.

i'm glad they're returning to the dark style.. i almost hope they ignore chronicles altogether and treat this as a pitch black sequel.
i liked chronicles as a film but it was a pointless 'riddick' movie.

might as well have just called him something else, wouldn't have made any impact on the movie and the whole necro thing seemed a bit ott compared to the 'realism' of pitch black.

hard to explain that one but in pitch black i got the feeling humans were the only race in the galaxy (different worlds perhaps but still human) and the creatures were a real frightening and unknown aspect. in chronicles everything seemed too fantastical with necros, and hovering ladies, and weird scanning creatures.. was just ott. not as a movie, but as a follow-up to pitch black.

hope that point makes sense.

i'm glad they're returning to the dark style.. i almost hope they ignore chronicles altogether and treat this as a pitch black sequel.

Totally agree. It was like Riddick fan fiction. haha! Though, I did like the Kiera used to be Jack aspect of it... Pitch Black explains why he went after her. So Pitch Black didn't need Chronicles, but Chronicles needs Pitch Black. Otherwise there's not such a great character arch.

I was hoping this next one would tie it together more, and who knows, maybe it will. But I am super pleased that the fourth movie is supposed to carry on the Underverse aspect.
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