Revenge of the :)


New Member
Hey everyone,

Here's my "newest" saber (it's in quotes, because it's made of all items I had already.). It's my interpretation of what Anekin/Vader's saber may have looked like had he been able to keep it after the battle with Obi-Wan on Mustafar. It's kind of a blend between the MPP and Graflex styles.

It's a MR Vader Ep. IV stuffed in a 1-1/2" sinktube, with original switch and "clamp", couple of polywashers, a 1-3/8" metal hole plug, t-track, and some Rust-oleum Hammered black paint. I tried to make it looked charred like it was close to Anekin while he was burning.

Eventually I'll convert it to LED, and add another replica Graflex red button thumbscrew, but that will be long after the holidays are over.

I've always wanted a Graflex saber, but can't afford one, so here is my take on one. I'm really proud of how it turned out.

...And without further ado;









Thanks for looking!
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Thanks everyone for the feedback! :)

I did the burned look by spraying it with the paint and then wiping it off with a paper towel. I did it like 4 times, then eventually just dabbed it off with paper towel. then I used 600 grit wetordry sandpaper to blend it down. Finally used the wire brush attachment on my dremel to help with the look.

I wanted to make it look beat up, but also wanted to keep some of the shine.
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