Retro Starfire Suit (dye-sub help?)


New Member
Hello everyone!
(I'm hoping this is the right place to post)

I'm currently designing a retro Starfire suit based on an artist design (That I have received permission to use). This is my first time using a dye sub and I'm trying to find some help. These forms have so much great info in them so I apologise if this is a real asked questions but I can't seem to find the answer I'm looking for.

Heres the designs (this is a old pic before I ajusted for cut lines and just general positioning)
Starfire Dye Sub

Since I'm reaching final stages I'm wondering the best way to make sure the lines line up... I'd hate for the person I'm helping out to pay $$ for a suit print and it be wonky.

Any suggestions out there on how to test the suit. I don't personally have any kind of fancy printer. Thought about paper printing and just roughly judging off that or sending it to a print company that has designers that can ajust it. But does anyone have a different way they test? (I tried cad fashion softwares but think the skill curve is a bit much for me atm unless I could find a body suit temp from a program that I could edit on)

Thanks for any help...