Retro Raygun * Now with display stand on page 2


Master Member
Hello, I wanted to share a recent project I just completed. After being massively inspired by DARK SABER and his work in this thread:

I set out to make my own full-metal raygun. I took several ideas from that project. But as I set out to the junkstores I quickly realized I had to wing it based on what found pieces I could find.

I don't think I'll spoil the illusion by telling you what every part is. I will tell you I'm pretty proud of the solid Cherry wood grip I carved. And the emitter tip became a project in itself. It is completely scratch built.

As far as the design goes, I wanted to have a thirties or forties serial sci-fi look to the gun. Nothing against a more steampunk aesthetic, I just wanted mine to be more streamlined. Less greebles. I also decided against painting or weathering it to look vintage. This is more of a fresh from the factory look. Again, I love what Dark Saber did with his, but as I worked on it, I was very anal about what material I used because I wasn't going to cover it up with paint.

As always, thanks for the inspiration RPF.








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Re: Retro Raygun

Well done, it's beautiful piece of art. I love your photography as well. What's next on your plate?
Re: Retro Raygun

that is too awesome! i love that style a million times over steam punk anyday. pulp/serial heroes and designs are timelessly classic
Re: Retro Raygun

Really fantastic. I'll never look at a cocktail shaker the same way again.

Man, now I want a ray gun.
Re: Retro Raygun

the quality of finish pushes it wow factor up considerably

can i see door knobs?

Re: Retro Raygun

Thanks for the compliments everyone. Okay, here's a roll call of parts front to back:

• Emitter tip is a small glass vial found a a medical supply store. The emitter filament is a brass rod with 20 brass washers slipped over.
• Brass emitter is the top of a candle holder.
• Heat sinks are a series of large steel washers and smaller steel bearings.
• Gold mid section is from the same candle holder.
• The body is, someone guessed it, a small martini shaker.
• The rear knob is also from a found candle holder.
• All held together via a 1/4" threaded rod down the middle.
• The Right control knob housing is a half-inch aluminum spacer with a found knob
• Micro switch on top
• Micro jewel for the indicator light.
• The Uranium Pod is a 10G CO2 cartridge.
• The grip is from a really nice scrap of cherry wood I got from Rockler Woodworks for a buck.
• The grip sides are aluminum plate.
• The trigger is a vintage machinery switch I found at my Dad's
• And there's a few other washers and fittings.

This project was a blast. Took me the better part of 3 weeks working in my spare time.
Re: Retro Raygun

Love it you did a great job on this you should be proud! I want one every time I go to start I see ideas from other builds so I quit I want mine to be mine! Nice build!:thumbsup