resin gauntlets

i need a set of full gauntlets to have gold chromed for a new also gets a helmet! (non bats, non SW's)
I still think that you need to better express what it is that you want.
Is this an original costume? In that case, do you have a sketch?
Is this a replica costume? In that case, can you show a picture of the original?

Why resin? There are gloves in gold fabric available on eBay, although mostly in womens' sizes. You could get gold fabric / pleather to sew gauntlets cuffs from.
If you go to Home Depot, you can find some "For Sale" signs that are made out of either styrene or ABS. These are thin sheets. Heat them a bit to make them more flexible, and then wrap them around to your forearms (watch for heat) and then use some clamps and ABS glue / cement and bond/weld them together. Paint black, add decals with epoxy clay as needed.
thx...I am doing a superhero type costume. I want resin full wrap gautlets. I have seen the "bat" type with no fins over the years but of course now can't find them! I will have these then "chromed" in gold. I don't really have the ability to do anything myself. I want these high quality. No gloves will work for this