Resident Evil 4 Afterlife Movie Trailer

i think I will wait until it comes out on tv haha...I liked the first one alot ...two and three were okay..It was a little too hokey for me..

it kinda sucks that oded fehr wont be in it..

but chris redfield will be in it..the guy in prison break is playing him
I enjoyed parts of 3. Dusty desert zombies in the washed out sunlight was an interesting visual idea.

This really does look like the Matrix though. Right down to the guy looking like an agent, firing desert eagles and the chick in the black leather bodysuit jumping out the window and firing submachines guns as she falls.

In slow motion.

I'll see it though. I'm a sucker for Milla too. ;)
The first one was really good, interesting and well made and creepy. The second and third I didn't care for at all. They turned Mila into an indestructible person which just throws you right out of the film. The zombies were little more than a minor inconvenience.

I barely remember the third other than it was desert and tried to be Mad Max.

Fourth looks like a Matrix music video. I'll probably see it, eventually.
I seem to remember the first one being really low budget and corny, the second wasn't memorable at all, and I enjoyed the third one. I'll go see it just for the 3D, as long as it looks better than Alice in Wonderland.
I was really excited until i saw it was another 3D gimmick i'm a bit bummed out. Whenever movies are released that i'm really juiced for, the first thing i usually think is, "wow, can't wait to get that on Bluray!"....guess i'll just have to pony up and get a 3dtv.....


Wow... Ultraviolet 3D!!! :lol

But.... as I'm a sucker for all things Milla AND zombie related... I'll spend my money to see it on the big screen. (Just like I did for the previously mentioned Ultraviolet :sick)

Man, I'm such a chump!
Y'know what's funny about this trailer? They didn't really go much into the story aspect of this film as much as advertising WHAT IS WAS SHOT WITH! HAHAHA!

I don't care if it was shot with the most expensive camera known to man kind! If the movie doesn't appeal to me as a whole I'm not gonna see it! 3D is nice, but not a game changer by any means for me to want to see a movie.

3D is mostly a gimmick and rarely utilized to enhance the strength of a film. I enjoyed it with Avatar as a more immersive world, but if it's just being used to throw Chinese stars at the camera and pointing swords toward the audience then it's just a gimmick.

On the topic of Avatar 3D, it's not my preference of how I see a film and don't care if Blu-Ray never releases it that way. the 3D is a great theatrical venue to see a film, but I'm not going to be throwing on a pair of glasses at home every time I wanna see a movie.

Now this new 3D TV technology without the use of glasses sounds great, but again that's not a big game changer for me. I just have yet to see rich content making the 3D aspect a must.
I'm not sure what to make of this. It seems very video gamey... yes I know it's based on a video game. However, the first one was well done, while the others just seemed too get too blown out of proportion. Now with the 3D gimmick, one wonders if they paid any attention to the plot.
Ugh, I hate when they don't release these trailers on Quicktime right away. I like to stream 1080p trailers to my HDTV. The best I can find this trailer in is 480p streaming from youtube or Sony's website. I'm just not going to watch it until it is released in 1080p.