Research Thread: Iron Man 1:1 size costume.


Sr Member
If there were an ideal costume you whould have made from the carater Ironman what vesion whould be your ideal.

I am in the progress of making the armor, but there are so many aspects of the costume it self. I think the movie version looks to sleek. Its a nice costume but i want more details. I am looking for input from the crowd.
Please post your photos of your favorite Ironman armor. And if you have one armor you like but with different aspects please reffer to the details you wish was on it.

Looking forward to replies. :)

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I grew-up with the Ironman of the late 60's-70's. It will always be my favorite armor.

I am not going for this version. I am going for a realistic working armor.
Similar to the movie version / Cartoon version. But there have been some different types. I wish to try to se if people are thinking the way i am going on this. But i am also open to hear suggestion.


Mk XI Modular Armor. This is what I grew up with as a kid as an action figure, comic, and in Marvel vs. Capcom. Don't think I've ever seen anyone do this version but I've seen a few of the older ones built.

EDIT:: but as far as realistic, working armor, you could build the Civil War suit, all chipped and worn.

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EDIT:: but as far as realistic, working armor, you could build the Civil War suit, all chipped and worn.


I also like the Civil War suit. I think it looks better than the movie version.

Do you guys preffer the Circle on th chest or the Triangle or the above?
Classic will always be the best.

However, I have a supreme fondness for all of adi granov's work. especially his iron man

I love Granov's design of the Iron Man costume. Although the classic would the easiest I think to pull off, Granov's would be the most striking. I am definitely looking forward to seeing the progress on this and hopefully a possible FS thread in the Junkyard.
If you're just talking about costuming there is also the Stealth versions, Ultimate version and the unique Jim Lee Heroes Reborn version...
TK409/ Chris.
If you look at the versions your showing they all have different details.
The gauntlets, legs, knees, chest, should and mask.

I dont particilur like the gauntlets on the movie version as well as the chest. The chest is to sleek. The armor should have features that it could have better articulations. Its no problem for CGI, but i want to make the details in the way that it looks realistic and possible for a superhero to use it.

I like the movie version and i like the Civil War version. It will be a mix of those, but any input on details or weapons specs whould be interesting.
I dont particilur like the gauntlets on the movie version as well as the chest. The chest is too sleek. The armor should have features that it could have better articulations. Its no problem for CGI, but i want to make the details in the way that it looks realistic and possible for a superhero to use it.

I understand what you're saying but the new film suit isn't all CGI, there was a video online where a stunt performer was wearing the Iron Man suit and laying down, getting up, walking around between takes....

So are you planning on building something that is a composite of various suits? Your own version of Iron Man or something that is a replica of one particular suit..... :confused
I've always liked the Silver Centurion version but I don't think it's a good suit to replicate if you're looking to do one definative version of the costume.

Yep, same here. I lust love the Silver Centurion but at this time and era, its a bit hokey for the costume to be made.

So, maybe its a compromise between the current Iron Man movie and the Civil War suits.
The suit used for the movies are flexible material, this way thwe wearer can move more. But if this was constructed out of metal it whould need to have mecanical features, overlapping plates to move the upper chest in the direction they want. If you look at the design for the movie they are groves detailes but not in a tecnincal term to make it fold or expand.

I want to make a solid armor of glassfiber, but i want the details to be tecnical, not slick... I want them to look like they serve a porpouse.

I am sorry but writing this is so hard to explain what i am searching for.
The silver Scenturion.. Well it works on Cartoon. But how realistic is it to have metal cover legs like that whithout having a tecnincal joints.

The movie version is good, and they thought about the suit very well, but still there are some tecnincal aspects of it i want to change.

What i am trying to ask for is:

If you could compose your own armor from all the different variaties.
What arms whould you like, what helmet, what chest,... Gloves, gauntlets, boots og shoes?
[/IMG]ive Always Liked The Classic Suit We Are Working On An War Machine Type Suit. Trying To Figure How To Mount The Gatling Gun And Missle Launcher On The Shoulders Is Rough.heres Some Pics Of Our Alter Ego Suit.
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