Red Dwarf Papercraft (Pep) props


Master Member
EDIT: DetachableToe has come through and modelled this great 3D rendering of Kryten's head. Now is there anyone who can unfold it for us in Pep? Pleeeeease? :)

Link to the zip file is in post #12.


I know that there is one person on the internet who has created lifesize 3D Kryten heads by hand from card stock, but he does not appear to have shared the templates.

Has anyone modelled his head in pep that has it available? Given all the flat surfaces I would have thought that it would easier to do than a lot of the pep helmets I've seen.

Would make a great bust. :)

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Re: Red Dwarf Kryten pepakura head?

I take it no-one has done this yet then..... Anyone willing to make a Pep file?
Re: Red Dwarf Kryten pepakura head?

I'd also love to see this happen.... a display shelf of Kryten's 'spare heads' would look great. :thumbsup
Re: Red Dwarf Kryten pepakura head?

Has anyone modelled his head in pep that has it available?

I wouldn't mind giving it a shot. I should be able to create a close-ish model of Kryten's head. However I don't have any pepakura software, perhaps someone else can handle that?

Given all the flat surfaces I would have thought that it would easier to do than a lot of the pep helmets I've seen.

Somewhat true, for me at least. Modelling a similar head is easy enough, but getting a good likeness can be tough. There doesn't seem to be much good reference material for Kryten either.

Anyway, hopefully I'll have something to share in the next few days.
Re: Red Dwarf Kryten pepakura head?

OK, here's where I'm at so far on Kryten, don't mind the collar, it's just a stand in to cover up his neck.

I'm reasonably happy with how it's turning out, but I'm sure someone has a far more discerning eye than myself. Any suggestions for changes? If not I'll upload the file (.obj?) for someone to unfold.
Re: Red Dwarf Kryten pepakura head?

That's lookin' awesome!

The front and side profiles look great to me, but that middle angled shot looks a little weird. I can't figure out why though since the other two angles look great. Maybe it's just because I'm not used to seeing him like that.

Good work, thank you. :thumbsup
Re: Red Dwarf Kryten pepakura head?

And once you have the paper model to make, you print it out, laminate, and assemble inside-out, so you have a plastic thing, with all the tabs on the outside.
Then you can use it as a rudimentary latex mold. :)
Re: Red Dwarf Kryten pepakura head?

No problem Howlrunner. Good thing you pointed that problem out, quite a bad mistake ha. Here's an updated shot.

Any other additions that I should add? Need the chest/shoulders?

@Audrey2: Pretty neat idea. I doubt my model is near enough though :p
Re: Red Dwarf Kryten pepakura head?

Lovin' it. :):thumbsup

Only thing - and it may just be the angle/shadow - but is the top right side (as you look at it) of his top lip a bit out of shape (i.e. not symmetrical to the other side) in the front profile shot?
Re: Red Dwarf Kryten pepakura head?

Right again :)

I've pulled that back a bit now, but just so you know the head on the whole is purposefully not perfectly symmetrical (slightly tilted head, wider eyes etc). It just looked too perfect otherwise.

Here's the updated screenshots, and a .obj for anyone to check. Anyone feel like taking it through the pepakura process? Not having the software myself, I don't know if my model is optimal for it. I tried to keep it reasonably low poly, but I can rework parts if needed.
Re: Red Dwarf Kryten pepakura head?

Looks good! I'd have to really look hard at DVD stills to see if there's any differences, but at a glance I'd say spot on. :thumbsup

Reminiscing about this series, I think I'll make a reflective 'H' to stick on my forehead as a cop-out costume for an upcoming convention. :lol
Re: Red Dwarf Kryten head - Can anyone unfold this 3D .obj model in Pepakura?

That's MUCH better. :thumbsup Now to get someone to unfold it.....

Oh, and I'm going to see Chris Barrie and Danny John Jules at Collectormania in Glasgow this weekend (21/08/10). :)
Re: Red Dwarf Kryten head - Can anyone unfold this 3D .obj model in Pepakura?

Looks good! I'd have to really look hard at DVD stills to see if there's any differences, but at a glance I'd say spot on. :thumbsup

Ta Madcap. There's quite a bit of difference in Kryten's make up between seasons, so it's currently a bit of a mix due to lack of reference. Though if you do spy anything wrong speak up asap so I can fix it ready for whoever wishes to unfold it.

Oh, and I'm going to see Chris Barrie and Danny John Jules at Collectormania in Glasgow this weekend (21/08/10). :)

Lucky you! Though I'm not a die hard fan, I always enjoyed Red Dwarf, and it'd be great to meet any of the cast. Pity I'm so far away heh.
Re: Red Dwarf Kryten head - Can anyone unfold this 3D .obj model in Pepakura?

I'd love to have one for my shelf. We had the cast at the PBS station in Ohio a while back when the last season premiered over here. Hard to believe Danny John Jules was in Little Shop of horors as one of the dancers lol. I can't believe there aren't more RD props on here. I was thinking of making a Scutter (the little robots who give Rimmer the 2 finger solute all the time).
Re: Red Dwarf Kryten head - Can anyone unfold this 3D .obj model in Pepakura?

I was thinking of Sculpting a Kryten mask.....I'm a MASSIVE RD fan (Ahem I used to be in the fanclub when I was a kid)

Do you reckon there'd me much of a market for a silicone or latex mask?
Re: Red Dwarf Kryten head - Can anyone unfold this 3D .obj model in Pepakura?

Not sure about that, but I'd love a resin bust. :)
Re: Red Dwarf Kryten head - Can anyone unfold this 3D .obj model in Pepakura?

Hmmmm,........I might make one then......purely because you just reminded me how much I NEED some Red Dwarf love in my life.......:)

Been sculpting a few months....but all superhero cosmmission stuff so far...yay for dwarf.