Raphael Ninja Turtle TMNT movie Head replica


Active Member
Hi everyone,

I recently hired an FX artist to make me a movie style head of Raphael from the Ninja Turtles movie for my collection. I wanted it to resemble him from the first film as much as possible and I think the artist did an amazing job. The head is made of silicone and has a fiberglass core/underskull like the movie heads did with acrylic eyes, and teeth. Paint job was done like the first movie and I think it looks great and the bandanna was done to perfection IMO. Please feel free to comment on your thoughts.

Thank you,
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Raph was..IS my favourite Turtle....and That sir, is an awesome head you have there.
The detailing is just amazing, I hadn't noticed before that Raph has a scar over his left cheek
Thanks for all the compliments guys I appreciate it and yes this is a one of a kind piece and the mold was destroyed and unfortunatly the FX artist I hired wont be doing anymore commissions right now because of his busy schedule with movies he is working on. I will get this head early this week and cant wait, I just need to find a great display case and stand for it :)
It is wearable but its built for display purposes only and has know holes under the eyes to see out of like in the movie but I made sure it was built like the movie heads with the skin over top of a fiberglass core. :)
I may be willing to sell this head for the right price but it wont be cheap since I paid a ton to have it made.