Rancor dungeon door control

Yorkie Fett

Sr Member
I was thinking of putting one of these together, and I won’t ask “has anyone ever…” since I’m pretty sure someone out there has.
I’m seeing 2 Tamiya 222s in there, so the size is pretty easy to work out.
Anyone want to share builds?
IIRC Jason Eaton made one a few years ago.
There was a build thread.
Thanks for that, I did a search before posting and nothing came up. Like I said, it’s such an obvious prop I was 100% sure someone would have given it a go.
Looking more closely, if you have the 2 kits, it’s such an easy piece to put together.
I’m sure you could knock it out in a couple of hours.
Nice piece to go on a wall!
Thank you for that, excellent visual guide and exactly what I was hoping for.
I always wondered why Luke throws a rock at this instead of using the force to push the button.

Sorry, I couldn't help it. :lol:
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First cast of the lights( transparent tinted resin) using preasure pot...
Because it's impossible to separate the transparent part from the metal part without breaking something in the original, I have decided to make the copy in transparent resin and paint later what would be the metal part.

I recall seeing a kit on ebay a few years ago. I'm not sure who the maker was though. This is such an obscure prop but a very cool one! I look forward to seeing how this all comes together.
First cast of the lights( transparent tinted resin) using preasure pot...
Because it's impossible to separate the transparent part from the metal part without breaking something in the original, I have decided to make the copy in transparent resin and paint later what would be the metal part.

View attachment 1568140
Awesome...so there WILL be kits in the near future ;) ?!

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