Quick Master Replicas FX Question


Master Member
Just wondering what the last FX saber made by MR was? I'm looking to pick one up (latest one I have is Vader ANH) and I wanna make sure it's the best one.

Edit- anyone know a good place to get them these days?
I think the Luke ANH was the last one. And most retailers don't sell them anymore. I'm actually looking to sell my collection to fund other things. let me know what you want and I will see if I have it. Most of them haven't even been opened.
Really? I haven't seen any in a while. But then again I haven't been looking.
Also check FYE/Suncoast Video locations. While the Vader ANH and Luke ANH are available in some locations, the one I've seen most is the Yoda.

And technically, I think the FX Lightsaber Construction set was the last one (but probably not what you meant/wanted). They contiue to be available at Radio Shack, and are on a progressive course of mark downs (I've seen them for as little as $49.97).
Thanks for the info guys! So anyone with all of these have any comments as to which one has the best technology?
The new ones are considered the best. I have them all and this last batch with the smaller batteries and more realistic hilts are the best.
I actually think the Yoda is the best design, sound and light combined (although the sounds is almost too loud:rolleyes)
Having multiples and having banged around a few, I do have favorites based on overall performance and durability.

The best of them all in terms of long lasting both in handling for finish and taking the most punishment is the Maul saber. Without a doubt, the best solidly built one. As well the finish on them allows for handling without peeling of the metal base as you see with the chromed FX sabers.

I like the Yoda one quite a bit but the electronics on it are bit bit off. They sometimes just go out. The Luke ESB is a great saber to get as well. The new Anakan has the same chrome issues as those of the past, tending to peel from undernieth on some of them. As well any long term handling tends to damage the chrome finishes.