Proton Pack Display Case

Goosebot 5000

Well-Known Member
so about a year ago i acquired this case from a friend. i cant recall what he said it was exactly, but it was used to store or house some sort of medical equipment. i pushed this project to the side to finish up packs 2 and 3, and after those were done immediately started on our halo projects. yesterday i decided to use some of the money i got for my birthday, and go ahead and finish the project up. i still have to get something to mount the light to the top (thats why you see me holding it), but apart from that and adding some caution tape im finished with it. i have to decide which way to mount the light, so the 2 pictures of the near completed product have it sitting in different ways. i would love to hear suggestions as on which way looks better. theres also a drawer under where the pack sits that holds my uniform, belt and boots perfectly.

but before the pictures of the case, come the pictures of my bday cake from wednesday! a few friends got together and suprised my roomate and i with these. his bday is 4 days before mine, so we celebrate together to make it easier for everyone. he got a rubiks cube cake and i got a pack cake.



and now the case.


Cool setup! Looks like a server rack to me. One of these days I'll get around to building a pack...:unsure
I would find a way to hang the pack in the case, make a "Proton Pack Charging" sign and add some "charging cables" that look like they are leading into the pack.
Very cool, its a medical pixis station I believe, lockout controls for meds and expensive supplies, i work with em all the time
Hook the light up on the front inside, that really makes it look great and the light will flood the inside for a great look. love the display it looks awesome!:thumbsup
First off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Love the cake. Maybe I can talk my wife into making me one since she made a cool Mach 5 for my son last year.

Nice case. I have a case I keep my shell and parts in, now I just need to finish it.
I dig that case. I've got some damn cool props including a Hanger18 Proton pack, the first one that ever had sound put in it, but the display angle is missing. Presentation is everything!