Props projects to do for a family night?


Sr Member
My family gets together every SUnday Night and we take turns picking an activity to do. I want to find a prop kit that is fairly cheap that we can each have to work on. We like a variety of things so any ideas are appreciated. I was thinking of death eaters mask, but I am unsure if anyone makes those in kit form.

Thanx for you ideas


gourmet night. plan a meal and everyone cooks.

Paint party. Need that bathroom painted? That's what family are for
50 lb box of clay and make sankara stones from indy or element stones from fifth element.
some sticks and make those dolls from blair witch
ladies razor jedi comlink
i have tutorials up on club obiwan to make cheap maproom brushes and notebooks from raiders of the lost ark you can make both for less than 10 dollars
Thanx for the ideas. We each take turns picking what we do and introducing each other to what we enjoy. That is why I am looking for a prop related project that we could do together.

keep them coming
Maybe the first week start assembling a budget Fett costume using the garbage can tutorial over on TDH. The next week, each member can paint a piece. Just print up reference and have them do it. The costume can only be used for you, but if you want to work extra hard, you can do a new suit every two weeks. Or..... You guys can pepakura stuff together. I remember having my friends help with a pepakura halo needler and we got it finished at blazing speed. Much better than me sitting alone in my room for hours.
Play something like "Pictionary", only make it all have to do with movies, props, movie characters, etc.
Sew up some Ewok pelts to hang from a Bike Trooper costume

Buy a few random model kits and do some kit bashing to make something new

Pick a film, scan through it to a point where a prop is seen and let everyone contribute to making it from clay or drawing it up to experience what it is like to "extract" a prop from the reference material we often have. Different people will see different details, etc.

Make Jedi communicators from the prequel movies some say were made for the Star Wars trilogy. Get a batch of lady schick razors and the little greeblies or whatever. Everyone gets to take theirs home!

Find a small easy item, make a mold of it and let everyone mix and pour their own resin to make a copy of it?
Seems like a hardware sabre thing. Buy random crap from hardware store and have people assemble it.

I did this with my boys after reading this. Thank you for the idea. :thumbsup

We went and grabbed a bunch of 1/4" and 1/2" PVC and went to town. I made one first, which kind of gave them the basic ideas. After they threw them together, I glued and painted everything up. They had a blast. We've since put them up, though, as my 2 year old daughter likes to take the lightsabers and hit people with them while saying "BAH". :lol I guess I shouldn't have let her place with my MR Darth when she was younger. It just made me so proud to have her running around with a giant lightsaber trying to cleave people in two. :lol Of course, back then, she couldn't really swing it or hurt people. Now she's stronger and it really hurts when she sneaks up all ninja-like and whacks you. :ninja

God, I love my little Sith.