Proper Yoda Color?


New Member
Has anyone found what the proper Yoda skin tone is? I am going to paint mine in awhile but I am having a hell of a time finding info on the color for the paint. I read that a mix of grey/blue with a bit of pale yellow...but does anyone know anymore?
I think most guys just use a combination of colors to get the base colors then do some overspraying to weather. Wish I could help more. :)
Has anyone found what the proper Yoda skin tone is? I am going to paint mine in awhile but I am having a hell of a time finding info on the color for the paint. I read that a mix of grey/blue with a bit of pale yellow...but does anyone know anymore?

A significant part of the joy and satisfaction of this hobby is doing, rather than merely asking.


This is not a Paint By Number hobby! :D

Look at your reference, check your stash of paints, visit your hobby store, and just have a go at it...
Exactly, the beauty of overspraying is that you can alter it until it resembles the screen stills. Get some redish and dark browns to overspray for the weathering.
I've finished quite a few Yoda's in my time and I can say with some certainty that there is no definitive Yoda colour.

The puppets from the OT and PT differ considerably in color tone, even some of the original ESB and ROTJ puppets are painted a little differently. Also factor in lighting and so forth, the puppets look different in various scenes so screen grabs cannot be relied upon as a true 'swatch' on paint colour.

The method that I have always used is solid very pale green basecoat, then various washes of green, yellow and light brown through an airbush until I find a colour which doesn't displease me too much.

It's not an exact science and there is NO single colour solution.

One tip I can offer is, the green tone is lighter than most people imagine, don't opt for a rich dark green basecoat because it will look terrible. Start very light/pale green, handmixed, then darken down to your satisfaction with the various subsequent paint layers on top.
Thanks for the help....and I know alot of the fun is doing it..but I dont have a huge bank of i didnt want to go and spend $50 on stuff that wouldnt work..which is why I came to the forum to ask some people who have been through it already..just looking for a start.