Premiere Props "Hollywood Roadshow" Issues


Sr Member
I thought I would point out that I've encountered issues with Premiere Props in delivering an item won at auction.

If any other hobbyists here participated in the event, and you have not received your wins, I would recommend following up, as Premiere Props stated that I am not the only "winner" in which my item was sent to another bidder.

Winning at auction, being declared winner, being invoiced, and paying for your item apparently does not guarantee that it will be sent to you.


Wow, I just read your summary. :angry

I hope you find some justice here. It's definitely not the way to do business...

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That's pretty messed up. Regardless of how it happened, it seems they're not treating bidders fairly. If you were willing to go higher and weren't given the opportunity to respond to a phone bidder, that means they aren't even seeing the fair market value of the piece, not to mention the fact it screws you too.

The fact they hung up on you... Well, I'm sure a lot of people in the prop collecting community will be very interested to be made aware of their dispute management tactics.
Did the others who got ripped off by them take it up with Ebay?

I don't know what any others have done. My thoughts are that if I take the time to openly and publicly stand on principle, perhaps others with similar issues will try to make them right, rather than writing them off.

In any event, hopefully this might save a few others from experiencing the same issues in the future - either by Premiere Props making changes and doing the right thing or potential future customers being made aware of the risks and challenges and frustrations of dealing with this company.

Thanks to all for the concern and positive responses.

Wow! What a nightmare! Jason, very best of luck trying to get this resolved and also a big thanks for warning others.
Wow! What a nightmare! Jason, very best of luck trying to get this resolved and also a big thanks for warning others.

If this is true it's certainly poor business practice on their part.

But please, let's not classify an instance of someone not getting a trinket and getting his money back a "nightmare." Have some perspective.
I commend your stance. Have you contacted the Better Business Bureau, the state Attorney General's Office, and any other helpful agencies?

I sure hope you get some measure of satisfaction.

I just sent Premiere Props an email.
There are WAY too many sellers like this on ebay. This sounds exactly like something I went through about a year and half ago. Nearly identical. Except when I won and got a damn good deal on a pretty rare piece of movie memorabilia, the selling agent shipped me the "wrong" item. When I contacted them about it, the said that they would try and find my original item, but not to expect anything.

I sent them back their "wrong" item, and they never found what I orignally won, paid for, and wanted. We went back and forth and it went from them losing it, to them sending it to another customer, to the owner of the piece deciding afer the auction to take it back. The story changed multiple times. When I had enough, I left my first ever negative feedback. And the son of a ***** had the nerve to leave me negative feedback claiming that he "tried to work with me", and that I was "difficult". I was stunned that this POS could leave me a negative after what he did to me. But, that's what they do. They bully you. He contacted me and offered to retract my negative if I would retract his. I told him what I thought of him and that I could live with one negative feedback on my perfect record, and that it was obviously more important to him as a dealer to try and make a deal to have it nullified. I told him where he could take his offer.

I never filed a formal complaint with ebay. Looking back I should have done what you are doing. Well done! Ebay will always be patrolled by this kind of animal. But, when you take them to task as you are doing, they may think twice in the future.

Good Luck with it!
That whole "you have entered into a legally binding contract " thing is a joke and eBay knows it. I've had so many people jerk me around on auctions they have won from me that that whole sentence has no bite to go with it's bark.
(granted, the items I have sold are not "high dollar")

And eBay won't do anything as long as they get their fees. This is a proven fact.
I hope you get this resolved, Jason. Sorry to hear it.

I definitely won't be dealing with them after hearing this.
Man...I feel for you.

I'd see if it is possible to contact other members that have been recently screwed by them and make sure that they all file complaints. You can all share info on where to file more complaints and hopefully get them shut down, at least from Ebay. You know this won't be the last time these dicks decide to screw people over and it may be possible you can put a stop to it and save some people of the same scam in the future.

I wish you the best of luck in sticking it to them HARD! May they rot in a lot of old prop parts.

Keep us updated.
It's not at all unreasonable to expect your items after winning them on ebay especially as ebay always harps on about 'contracts' and the like.
Offering you a refund on items you won fair and square because they've sold them to someone else is completely out of order.
As for the feedback and non paying bidder notice - these guys are scumbags.

I've bought items of them in the past but I definitely won't again.
After reading Jason's updates on his blog, it sounds like Premier Props is doing their best to make a bad situation even worse. If this is exemplary of their customer service standard, I have no desire to ever do business with them.