POTC medaillon - minor update


Well-Known Member
*EDIT: progress starts with post #9*

hey girls and boys,
a friend of mine is is a huge POTC-fan, and i thought about making her a copy of Elizabeth's medaillon (not for christmas, that would be suicide ^^ i still have some time).

now, i'm looking for reference pictures, but the best i've found is this one

so if anyone has reference pictures in a higher resolution, taken from the movie itself, or a photograph of a copy, or whatever, PLEASE post it here.

thanks a lot in advance guys
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Re: help needed - POTC medaillon - anyone has hi-res pictures?

This might surprise you but Master Replicas did a copy of this necklace. It is very close to the real thing. I have a screen accurite one and one of the $15 MR one. The only differance is the color. The $15 one is a little more brown. MR did a gold plated version like the original they cost a little more. I don't remember how much. ALSO there were 2 coins Skull on both siddes and askull on one side and Inka emblem on the other. I hope this helps.
Re: help needed - POTC medaillon - anyone has hi-res pictures?

yes MR already made it.

Re: help needed - POTC medaillon - anyone has hi-res pictures?

hey girls and boys,
a friend of mine is is a huge POTC-fan, and i thought about making her a copy of Elizabeth's medaillon (not for christmas, that would be suicide ^^ i still have some time).

now, i'm looking for reference pictures, but the best i've found is this one

so if anyone has reference pictures in a higher resolution, taken from the movie itself, or a photograph of a copy, or whatever, PLEASE post it here.

thanks a lot in advance guys

There are replicas still available of the coin necklace, mostly to be found on eBay or Amazon. The MR one is pretty crappy, not very sharply detailed.


It does, however, have the most SA chain and worth the purchase for that alone if you are going to sculpt one yourself.

There is also the coin playing pieces in the Pirates of the Caribbean 3 Game Collector set. They are very nice, very detailed.


Sometimes you can find one of those being sold as the necklace on ebay. If you were to go that route, please try to find the guy that is drilling them through the edge so as not to completely mess up the coin, not the dude who was drilling a whole in the coin front to back......


Other screencaps of the coin can be found at Screenmusings Curse of hte Black Pearl gallery.

If you sculpt this, good luck with it, and please post pics!

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Re: help needed - POTC medaillon - anyone has hi-res pictures?

This might surprise you but Master Replicas did a copy of this necklace. It is very close to the real thing. I have a screen accurite one and one of the $15 MR one. The only differance is the color. The $15 one is a little more brown. MR did a gold plated version like the original they cost a little more. I don't remember how much. ALSO there were 2 coins Skull on both siddes and askull on one side and Inka emblem on the other. I hope this helps.

There are replicas still available of the coin necklace, mostly to be found on eBay or Amazon. The MR one is pretty crappy, not very sharply detailed.


Sometimes you can find one of those being sold as the necklace on ebay.

Yes, i know that there are some replicas of the coin; on amazon they are just declared "sold out", but i found the one or the other on ebay. But as I said, I still have some time, so I wanted to give the scuplt-idea a chance. I can still buy one if my version looks like crap, but she's a very good friend, and she likes the stuff I make. So I didn't just want to buy but try myself at it. Mine might not be the most accurate one, but it comes from the heart (okay...that sounds gayer that it should be :lol )
Anyway, thanks a lot.

Other screencaps of the coin can be found at Screenmusings Curse of hte Black Pearl gallery.

THANK YOU SHYLAAH! this is exactly what I was looking for, thanks so much!

If you sculpt this, good luck with it, and please post pics!


I will, I will, don't worry about that ^^

Oh, one last question: does anyone know the diameter of this thing?
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Re: help needed - POTC medaillon - anyone has hi-res pictures?

Yeah, not enough can be said for the sheer joy of DYI if one is willing and able.
While buying can be great fun, it is a little soulless :).......

The MR coin is 1.5" in diameter, .125" thick with an 18.5" chain. I don't know if this is SA measurements or not as MR stuff tends toward a percentage smaller than the originals.

That measurement does, however, look to be close from looking at the coin in this screencap of it laying across adult Elizabeth's hand. And in Will's hand just before he drops it into the chest at the end of the movie.

For a quick point of reference, that is about .25 inches bigger in diameter than the American half dollar coin.

Re: help needed - POTC medaillon - anyone has hi-res pictures?

thanks a million! as soon as i have time, i'll start that thing!
Re: help needed - POTC medaillon - anyone has hi-res pictures?

I promised Shylaah to post pictures, and here I am :lol
I didn't sculpt it though, I just made a mold, or better, I wanted to make a mold, and this already brought some problems. But from the beginning.

My very first idea for making a mold was to carve the contours into plasticine. The idea itself was pretty good, but the stuff is very unforgiving, and with the skull at the latest, I was forced to redo the whole thing because I couldn't just iron out the mistakes. Besides, the stuff got softer and softer the longer I worked with it, which made correct carving nearly impossible.

So, after two or three trys with plasticine, was looking for something better, and ended up with wax. I melted some small candles, poured the wax into a formed, tried to carve the contours into the wax...so, nearly the same as with the plasticine, and it ended the same way, with a fail. I guess my carving skills just aren't good enough.

Then I came up with my third - and by now last - idea was to bring the contours already into the wax when i pour it into the form...and it worked!

I took a picture of the coin, printed it out in the right size and followed the contours with window color, waited until it was dry, poured wax over it...et voila! A good mold of the form. I made a casting with simple caulk silicone (and when removing it, some pieces stuck to the mold), but the result shows me that I'm on the right way (I hope you can see it on the picture :lol)

The try shown on the picture was just a proof of concept, as the tip of the window color bottle was too wide to follow all of these filigree lines on the coin. But I guess after the holidays I'll find a way to make it better.

Stay tuned!
Re: POTC medaillon - first result

That's what I love about this place, all the wonderful and different techniques people come up with!

I don't really understand what all you did there because I don't know what window color is.

I'm not much good at carving, as I've proved many times :wacko, just can't work in the subtractive, can't handle "when it's gone, it's gone" or "when it's gouged, it's gouged"!! So I'm really interested in any additive techniques--is that what this amounts to?

Re: POTC medaillon - first result

Think this is a pretty cool start MadMike :thumbsup!
It's a complex image goin' on in that medaillon, so if you nail this, you'll be
uber-cool :)
Re: POTC medaillon - first result

That's what I love about this place, all the wonderful and different techniques people come up with!

I don't really understand what all you did there because I don't know what window color is.

Window color is...something hard to describe when you don't know it :lol
Perhaps you know it when you see a picture of it:

If that doesn't help, it is some kind of water-based acrylic paint. you make the contours with special contour-colors and fill the gaps with other colors that are more liquid. When it's dry, you can compare the consistency with...thin plastic that sticks to flat surfaces. You can stick it to your windows (that's where the name comes from), and remove it without any traces.

If that still doesnt help (actually I have to admit that I don't know if they sell this stuff in America), I guess you can compare at least the contour color to Puffy Paint (which I only know from BlindSquirrel's blog :lol he uses this stuff here: Blind Squirrel Props: The Lord of the Rings: Helm of Sauron, Lord of Mordor)

I'm not much good at carving, as I've proved many times :wacko, just can't work in the subtractive, can't handle "when it's gone, it's gone" or "when it's gouged, it's gouged"!! So I'm really interested in any additive techniques--is that what this amounts to?


Well, I think yes. When you carve, you make a negative, of which you can pull a positive. With my technique, you make a faux-positive (window-color), of which you make a negative (wax mold).

So you only add window color (or puffy paint, or something comparable) on a picture, and can make a mold of it. The only problem with this idea is that is that you can't use every material you want to make your mold, as your surface is paper (at least it was here, but Ill try to improve that method), so I don't think that you can use every silicone normally used for molds because it would stick to the paper.

What I have planned so far is to make a better window-color-faux-positive of the coin, make a new wax negative of this, and then, because I want to cast the coins with metal (and the wax would melt when pouring liquid metal in it), make a positive out of silicone, which I will use to make a negative out of plaster (I know, sounds complicated, if you know a better solution for making a mold that will stand the heat of liquid metal, please tell me).
And here's what I meant with you can't use every material, it would be easier to make a plaster-negative directly from the faux-positive, but as long as my surface is paper, the water in the plaster would probably destroy the paper and the positive.

But I'll talk about that again when it's done :lol

Think this is a pretty cool start MadMike :thumbsup!
It's a complex image goin' on in that medaillon, so if you nail this, you'll be
uber-cool :)

Thank you for the kind words. uber-cool...that sounds good :)
I'll keep you updated ;)
Re: POTC medaillon - first result

Oh, okay, so it's some kind of gel paint to make like stained glass window clings. Surprising that it would be strong enough to make a positive!

I haven't done this kind of thing, the molding and casting and all, but really would like to try it sometime--but there's so many steps, all those positive/negative cycles :)

If you're going to do a lost wax process, isn't what you need is a wax positive, which you encase in plaster, then pour in the hot liquid metal, and after that solidifies and cools, you break off the plaster to get the metal positive.......maybe need a centrifuge??

And I'd be making me "original" out of something durable, cause I know I'd botch an OOAK :( if I just carved the wax and plastered and cast it.

Re: POTC medaillon - first result

Yeah, I know what you mean.
I actually don't know if the plaster will have to be broken apart to remove the metal when it's cooled down. I hope that I can remove it without damaging the plaster, so I can reuse the plastermold, but I guess a try will show me something different.

Anyway, even if the plaster gets destroyed when removing the coin, I shold be able to get at least one good coin out of metal, and I could use that as the master.

But as I said, I think the real work will begin after christmas, and perhaps I then have a better idea to do it
Okay, I've made another copy, but with the change that I added a little ring around the mold to give the copy some thickness.
Still not perfect (the lines are still to thick because it was the old faux-positive, also the thickness of the coin is far from accurate, and as you can see, there is still some silicone in the mold because i didn't use any petroleum jelly or something similar as a mold release), but I think I'm getting there, especially when you compare the first and the second version.