As the Title already says - Is there a replica of that Heart Shaped Locket
Music Box Necklace thing of Davy Jones from POTC 2 that atually does play
that beautiful little melody ??? I'd love to get that for my wife.
Any infos would be great - thanks -
MR is selling a version of the necklace pictured above as Tia Dalma's necklace I was under the impression it was from the 3rd movie, but maybe that is just a release timing thing.
I believe the MR does NOT play the music - never seen the NC one - does
that one really work and play that melody ???
Anybody got a Link where I can see the Noble Collection one ?
Just got my MR necklace in the mail....its beautiful.
Looks identical to what's onscreen, and what I saw on display at disneyland. MUCH more accurate than the two previously available versions. (i own the disneyland version as well.)
Only thing that isnt 100 percent, is that the necklace has no back; which is actually a plus for me. Its fairly hollow. It'll be perfect for when I separate and hinge the front
I would like to, ideally, get a circuit with the chimes/song put on it, and have it activated by the opening of the lid.