Post your own ORIGINAL movie plots here.


Master Member
I have written a few screenplays (had one optioned by WB) but I have many other ideas floating around.

Post your BRIEF synposis of your original movies here. Tag the genre and a 2-3 sentence description:

(THRILLER) An excentric billionaire finances a mission back to the moon for a small group of private (retired) astronauts that are bent on proving we never went to the moon. A private government agency plans to make sure that the crew never returns.
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Re: Postt your own ORIGINAL movie plots here.

Somebody submits a brilliant pitch for an original Scifi /fantasy movie only to have it ripped off by an unscrupulous hollywood scriptwriter, whose studio turns it into a worldwide hit. Suddenly ,everyone involved in the film starts to die in incredibly bizarre circumstances, murdered ,so it seems to some witnesses, by a cast of different superheros and sci fi characters. Pursued ,the scriptwriter tries to find out the terrifying truth behind the original story and its author before its too late.
Re: Postt your own ORIGINAL movie plots here.

Please don't post these things here as I don't want you dorks suing me. Brad's initial pitch is pretty close to my Astronauts in Trouble: Live From the Moon, for example, first published in 1999.

So posting loglines in the clear is damn silly at best.
Re: Postt your own ORIGINAL movie plots here.

I dunno. It seems kinda fun.

(Action/Thriller) He's an obese voodoo ex-con with a passion for fast cars. She's a psychotic mute safe cracker from a family of eight older brothers. They fight crime!
Re: Postt your own ORIGINAL movie plots here.

(Comedy) Comic book publisher goes on rampage and kills internet users for claiming he stole their ideas.
Re: Postt your own ORIGINAL movie plots here.

Time travel comedy.

A quiet rich movie director gets fed up with fans saying bad things about him, so invents a time traveling refridgerator and goes back to stop himself making the movies and getting devorced.

The only problem is that it turns out his film inspired the whole digital revolution and all the internet driven free speech does not happen, or computer games or any computer stuff at all.

Companies can not go global because the time lag and system size is not possible without digital technolohy.

People have to watch plays and listen to live music. India and China stay undeveloped.

The quiet director spends his last days on a small farm writing kids stories and racing old hotrods around the local track.

Working title, Blueray, Blueray harvest.
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Re: Postt your own ORIGINAL movie plots here.

A series of shark attacks threaten the livelihood of a tourist driven island community, in a classic tale of man vs. beast, 3 men must hunt down this creature in a thrilling adventure.

Re: Postt your own ORIGINAL movie plots here.

Oh, I heard that report on the BBC today.
What was he thinking going out there in that spot with all those seals.
Still, I agree, get out the harpoon boats I thought.
Re: Postt your own ORIGINAL movie plots here.

So, first revision.

The director goes back in time and disables his younger self's Fiat car, on the night he was supposed to have a crash that caused him to give up motorsport.

While the kid is walking home he is picked up by the local Reporter who gets him to report on the next race meet.
His interest in reporting grows and he travels around doing stories on obscure ocupations. Interviews some little-people doing a stage show and a mime , Gets to do a story on a Britsh powerlifter, and a carpenter building a recording studio for Sergio. Even gets to interview a young TV producer doing a Twilight Zone episode. ...
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Re: Postt your own ORIGINAL movie plots here.

Because space travel takes so long, the grey aliens have just reached earth after one of their ships crashed in Roswell. A covert team of aliens has to break into Area 51 to get their boys back.
Re: Postt your own ORIGINAL movie plots here.

Better yet, how do I take my ideas and get them optioned? :lol

I've always wanted to write and I've written things here and there, I'm not sure if I have the talent/skill - but, I'd sure like to try. Movies, comics and everything in between.
Re: Postt your own ORIGINAL movie plots here.

Please don't post these things here as I don't want you dorks suing me. Brad's initial pitch is pretty close to my Astronauts in Trouble: Live From the Moon, for example, first published in 1999.

So posting loglines in the clear is damn silly at best.


That or don't go trying to sue anyone at a later date because of something you wrote here.
Re: Postt your own ORIGINAL movie plots here.

Please don't post these things here as I don't want you dorks suing me. Brad's initial pitch is pretty close to my Astronauts in Trouble: Live From the Moon, for example, first published in 1999.

So posting loglines in the clear is damn silly at best.

Gotta admit - this was my immediate reaction...

Suggest adding "If you're willing to share...!" to the original post!

Most of my ideas are not truly original, as they are typically inspired by real life events.

And Brad get that second "T" out of "Postt"!
Re: Postt your own ORIGINAL movie plots here.

I dunno. It seems kinda fun.

(Action/Thriller) He's an obese voodoo ex-con with a passion for fast cars. She's a psychotic mute safe cracker from a family of eight older brothers. They fight crime!

That made me laugh! :lol
Yes, everyone post their best ideas here, so that I can go write them as full, completed screenplays and register them with the WGA and US Copyright Office.

Can't protect a logline, but you can sure as hell protect an expression of one.

Setting - WWII. The Atomic Bomb doesn't work. The planned Invasion of Japan (Operation Downfall) is a go.
If you guys are so worried about your ideas (that will never be stolen and made into films) then don't post them and get out of my thread.

If you think that getting a screenplay made is as easy as just writing it and submitting it to a studio, then you are complete idiots and need to do some homework.

BTW: Nickytea, the WGA won't do anything to protect your screenplay. They will not testify in court or care about your property.
I've got a thread I made of story ideas I had to abandon for one reason or another. So, I don't think any of them could be used anyway.