Possible Recasts of my Force Lances???


Sr Member
Anyone know the dealers
ftahleson or Slipstream Collectibles on ebay? I came across these auctions today,
http://cgi.ebay.com/Andromeda-Dylan...ryZ18839QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem ,
They are ringers for the pieces I molded with permission from an orignal hero piece owner and mods I made for the Season 1 piece.

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saw the auctions and honestly was watchin the first season one, i knew the lance and i figured it was you.
john :cool
Nope not me, apparently he's been doing it for a while and I just now caught wind. I'm playing the fish for his auctions to see if I can get some more pics. so I can confirm it with my tells.
He's already provided a pretty good description and he's broken down the casting the same way mine were produced in four seperate pieces, along with some story of "knowing" somebody, who knew somebody, blah, blah...

More to come.

The guy's name is Fraser Burrows, I sold him a set of Season 1 and 2 pieces several months ago. I didn't question his other pieces only those that he had recast from mine and the story concocted to sound like he created them himself.

As to your issue with the piece you purchased by me, I gladly sent you replacement parts and you never raised an issue after that.

on the force lances by flatherson, are you selling painted and assembled and quality control checked models? I actually purchased one of his lances and it is actually better than yours, buy one and see. I asked how he made them and he had access to the propmaster who made the originals I had a thread a while back where I attempted to make my own force lance from screencaps and info I was able to gather from collectors who have originals and did a pretty good job of it. with the right pictures and information/tools as everyone knows on this forum anything can be replicated.

I believe I bought one of your UNFINISHED lances for I believe $60 once and it had bubbles, it was rough, it had thin spots the crystal had bubbles and I had to actually e-mail you for a replacement piece because of bad detail, it was a piece that even I would not have even sent out - has anyone actually asked the sellers about their wares? I have noticed on this forum in particular that people are more likely to say "HEY HE RECAST ME" than figure this person has talent and similar tastes in props or knows people who have talent.

I am the collector who made my original working Hero forcelance available to Jason. I can tell you right now that the force lance on e-Bay is a RECAST of Jason's. There is a MAJOR "tell" (which I am not going to reveal) on the e-Bay force lance that is also found on Jason's force lances. If "flatherson" had access to the Drom propmaster and/or studied screen-caps, why would his force lance have the one detail that Jason has on his force lances that is not screen-accurate (the "tell").

BTW, nice job of defending a recaster by slamming the quality of Jason's work in an attempt to deflect this thread.
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All I know is that I have purchased from flatherson a month ago and the items were of quality and it is true that i did not complain after receiving my replacement part from dash and it is true that I have not yet gotten around to re sanding, refilling, assembling and painting it. It sits in a box, although I do have to say in defense of dash's lance it is a probably better than the one sold by arsenal models. Whatever guys, y'alls duke it out - forget I even voiced my opinion, it will be the last time I do that here - not worth the hassle.
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