There's an auction on ebay for a couple of my replicas. I'm pretty sure the person bought them from me, so of course there's no problem with them selling 'em.
However, THIS is the best part. A user asked them:
Q: Please give-me a scan of the page for personal use or I'll let the REAL owner of the polyjuice page you are selling a copy, and she may report you to ebay. If you agree ask me for my email address. Best regards.
Anyone want to admit they posted the question? I'm really entertained by the whole thing.
However, THIS is the best part. A user asked them:
Q: Please give-me a scan of the page for personal use or I'll let the REAL owner of the polyjuice page you are selling a copy, and she may report you to ebay. If you agree ask me for my email address. Best regards.
Anyone want to admit they posted the question? I'm really entertained by the whole thing.