Please Help Identify one added


New Member
I thought this was Maces from EP I. Who used this?

I believe these are Jedi135 Pienta sabers. Could anyone verify this and which character these belong to?

Post here or PM me. :)

Thank you.

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Re: Please Help Identify These...

OK...the bottom one appears to be a Larbel Mace/Eeoth Ep I. Correct?

Thanks and keep helping. :)

Re: Please Help Identify These...

Left to right, top to bottom:

Saesse Tiin (The Phantom Menace)
Mara Jade (Dark Forces expansion Mysteries of the Sith)
Leia Organa-Solo (The Last Command)
Qu Rhan then Kyle Katarn (Dark Forces and Dark Forces II)
Mara Jade (By the Emperor's Hand)
Jerec (Dark Forces II)
Mace Windu (The Phantom Menace), or Ki-Adi Mundi or Kit Fisto (Prequel Trilogy)

Oh, and that is some gorgeous machining!
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Re: Please Help Identify These...

THANK YOU!!! That helps me greatly!


Left to right, top to bottom:

Saesse Tiin (The Phantom Menace)
Mara Jade (Dark Forces expansion Mysteries of the Sith)
Leia Organa-Solo (The Last Command)
Qu Rhan and Kyle Katarn (Dark Forces and Dark Forces II)
Mara Jade (By the Emperor's Hand)
Jerec (Dark Forces II)
Mace Windu* (The Phantom Menace)

*Among several using this 'clan saber' design in the Prequel Trilogy

Oh, and that is some gorgeous machining!
Re: Please Help Identify These...

That would be:
Eeth Koth or Plo Koon (Prequel Trilogy), or
Mace Windu (Emmissaries to Malastare)

although if the pommel fins were gold it would be:
Luminara Unduli or Stass Allie (Prequel Trilogy)

and I can't believe I had to look that design up: – click on Histories
Hehe, I love it when the hard work of others makes me look good! :lol
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Re: Please Help Identify These...

Thank you for the link. :) You were the only one to respond so worked hard!
Re: Please Help Identify These...

Bottom one:
Mace Windu (The Phantom Menace), or Ki-Adi Mundi or Kit Fisto (Prequel Trilogy)
Ki-Adi-Mundi only in Episode III, I think. He wore/used another model in Episodes I and II which is the one most often referred to the "Ki-Adi-Mundi saber". That model was also worn by several characters, but it is attributed to him because it is labeled as his in the Visual Dictionary (book).