Pic of a BTTF DeLorean.


Master Member
Well guys, I happen to have friends via the Internet. One of them is named Derek Culliford and I know him from BSGPilots, a forum dedicated to the RIS BSG. He's also my co-partner in relation to "Operation: Rewatch", a project where we not only rewatched the whole RIS series, but have begun rewatching the TOS series. Anyway, Derek has uploaded some pictures to his Facebook of a "Back to the Future" DeLorean Time Machine replica at the Seaway Mall in Welland. It was only there for today between 1pm and 4pm, but he managed to get some shots. I told him about the RPF and he actually gave me permission to copy and share these images here. If you want to see the full gallery, the link is below. Derek (or as I know him as KnighthawkDC), is in the last image, the guy in the red T-shirt behind the wheel. :D

Derek Culliford Facebook page of DeLorean: Login | Facebook
Pretty neat but looks a bit inaccurate.

Gary Weaver II here on the RPF has built a few of these and his are the end all be all of Time Machines.
Even so, it's a pretty decent looking replica to me. The owner was actually having it out on display and allowing people to take pictures with it for $10. And all proceeds go to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Disease research. So, it was for a good cause. :D
Even so, it's a pretty decent looking replica to me. The owner was actually having it out on display and allowing people to take pictures with it for $10. And all proceeds go to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Disease research. So, it was for a good cause. :D

That's very cool! Always a good cause. :thumbsup

Wasn't meaning to degrade it but it's just the BTTF fan in me. :$
That's very cool! Always a good cause. :thumbsup

Wasn't meaning to degrade it but it's just the BTTF fan in me. :$

Don't worry, I understand completely. Honestly, even seeing something semi-accurate is cool to me. Maybe I have a lower set of standards that I have yet to improve on. Just earlier today, I bought a replica of the Joker's knife from "The Dark Knight", knowing that it wasn't 100% accurate (the one I got, the blade comes out the side, not from the front, and the blade is a single edge).