Phase 1 Bacara clone helmet (completed)


Well-Known Member
Well, seeing as GL was taking forever to introduce Commander Bacara in the CW series, i took the liberty of coming up with my own. I made a pull of the existing outer helmet from the phase 2 bacara i made a few years back and basically scratch built a new inner helmet to go with it using a heavily modified kellogs bucket. once that was done i made a pull from the mold, cut out the removable neck ring and did the painting and weathering to it. Here is the final result.....








A shot from the bottom of the removable neck ring. Its pretty well concealed.

I love the weathering also, it looks like it went through a few battles, and wasn't just brushed with paint. Great work.

I have an academic question. Are the 'cheeks' made out of leather or are they also plastic?
Now THAT is a gorgeous paintjob!!!! I'd love to see some high res. pics of the weathering:love

I'll need some tips since I'll be weathering a Snowtrooper in the next month and want to do a little more than the standard "wash".

Thanks for the complements guys. It was a blast to do this project and ive actually found myself liking this phase 1 version better than the phase 2. Looks a bit more intimidating.

As for the weathering. I start off by shooting the helmet with Rustoleum satin white. Once that has dried for two days, i just use oil paints for the weathering. Its something i learned a long time ago from a friend that used to paint model tanks. I just applied it to helmets and it works out great. I just use two colors; burnt umber and black. The tools are just a cheap paint brush with soft bristles and some cotton balls. Its kind of a long drawn out process so i wont bore anyone with it here. Ive wanted to do a short video of the process. Something i may do later down the line. I'll try and take some close up pics of the weathering later today.
Cool...thanks for the tip....the laborious nature of the weathering shows through in the end product. I really want this effect for my Snowtrooper. It seems more akin to painting a Boba Fett, which is why he looks so cool. Attention to detail really makes for an awesome prop.

....any chance on seeing more pics:confused
Thanks again, guys.

Here are the pics with armor........









I had my wife take some close ups but all of them came out blurry except this one. I'll try again later.
Absolutely stunning!!! It's too pretty to Troop in!! Man, I think I'd relegate it to a mannequin as I'd be too afraid of it getting scratched.... therein lies the paradox :lol

Thanks for the pics, especially the close-up....this couldn't have come along at a better time to inspire me. :)

Damn I love your work and the weathering on your helmets!!
My short list of helmets:
EVO Bacara
EVO Cody
and now the Phase 1

Excellent work as allways