Padme's wedding dress (who's made one?)


Sr Member
A friend of mine has been looking for pix of the EP2 dress Padme wore while marrying Anakin. The only pic I can find is the one of them kissing. Are there any out there that are clearer and a higher res? She plans to make it but needs better pix and details. Does anyone know if it will be at the L.A. costume exhibit? Any help would be great. :hat
This is a dress that I am having my sister and my mom make for my fiance for our wedding. I plan on going to the LA exibit to see if it will be on display. I would love to get some high res pics myself.
Well, I think it´l be in the upcoming "Dressing a Universe" book.

Hmmm, I do have a source for that black AotC dress, bit he isn´t doing the wedding dress.

Well, here´s a good one (not high res, but not that bad)


Hope that helps and I hope to see some pics :)

I'd love to see this dress done too. Keep us updated...

As to the photo... how appropriate that she looks less like a blushing bride and more like she's going to a funeral...

Thanks everyone for the info. I totally forgot to check the Padawan guide. I'll be sure to pass on the wonderful pix to her. :hat
I was able to go to the exhibit and got a very few photos due to a low battery. was anyone able to get some really good pics of the dress?