Online Prop Making Courses?

"Online Prop Making Courses".......

Since the internet has come along way, there really is no need for a specific course in "Prop Making".
There is so many fields of interest and information is easily accessed and stored, that specific courses would not be needed.
Youtube is a prime example.
"Props" cover a very broad and extensive form of "making", from :
* Weapons of all kinds, Medical Devices, Science Equipment, Engineering Scanners, Costumes, Gizmos and Gagets, Animatronics, Electronics, etc.
* Modeling & 3D printing, Molding and Casting, Welding, Fabrication, Painting, Found Item builds, Foam Design, etc.
Many types of equipment :
CNC, Mills, Drills, Lathes, general shop hand tools, etc.

Many times, if a script calls for a type of prop that is not too specific in it's function or look, the property master
may settle on a found item that has been modified in such a way as to work for their needs.
If it will not become a permanent set piece, this usually betters your chances.

If the prop has function that tends to "move the scene forward", then they usually have it built by a prop shop to their specifications.
As an example of modifying found items, I am currently working on such an item.
It has some mech. movement and will have lights. It is possible that they will use Blue Screen CGI to add a more specific
look to the transparent canister portion (according the the script needs).
I have a whole lot more to do to the exterior as well as paint.

There might be individuals that are looking to share the information they have learned over the years and posting that information online.
If you have a specific interest, a search engine like Google could be useful.
This web sight is a good start in finding what you seek :) .
Others will chime in with there thoughts as well.


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"Online Prop Making Courses".......
"Props" cover a very broad and extensive form of "making", from :
* Weapons of all kinds, Medical Devices, Science Equipment, Engineering Scanners, Costumes, Gizmos and Gagets, Animatronics, Electronics, etc.
* Modeling & 3D printing, Molding and Casting, Welding, Fabrication, Painting, Found Item builds, Foam Design, etc.
Many types of equipment :
CNC, Mills, Drills, Lathes, general shop hand tools, etc.


As propmaster2000 has said, there are many different types of props and many different ways to make them. If you can tell us what type of prop you want to make (or perhaps a particular movie), we could give you better guidance.

Youtube is great - I suggest any of the following:
Bill Doran from -
Some of the tested videos -
Evil Ted -

Most of the people I follow are making stuff from foam or moving into 3D printing.
It seems with enough determination and time spent I've found someone who is doing basically anything I've imagined