Northern California Prop Party?

Typically, this is done after Dragon Con, as it is the only time that everyone isn't busy planning/building something.

Let's here from the Nor-Cal people and gauge some interest. Historically, this is held in the bay area, or Sacramento, but I am open to suggestions on local. With gas prices at an all-time high, I am sure that some may not want to travel a great distance. This IS Califonia, after all.
Four? Are there only 4 people in Northern California interested in a prop party? If this were held in october in Sacramneto, how many people think they might like to come?

Sound off here.
I'm in depending on date and location. I'd rather not drive all the way to Sac, but we'll see.


I am open to all suggestions if you know of a facility closer to you. You can avoid driving all together by hosting it at your place :rolleyes.

Thus far, we have a definite local in Rancho Cordova (same as last year) and a tentative place in the bay area. Ideally, we would have this centrally located, like in Tracy if someone has a facility there.

Currently, I am suggesting the the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd saturday in October for this little shin dig. Please let me know your availabilty, or lack of concerning thos dates. I would like to accomodate everyone, or at least as many as possible.
Depending on the date, I am certainly in. I have a great time at the famous Northern California Prop Parties and have made some good contacts and friends at these events.

Doesn't matter if it is on the coastside or in Sac.
Depending on the date, I am certainly in. I have a great time at the famous Northern California Prop Parties and have made some good contacts and friends at these events.

Doesn't matter if it is on the coastside or in Sac.

Schedule has prevented me from making 3 previous prop parties, but if I can, I'll be there. I'll bring some ridiculously cool stuff.
Please feel free to post the dates that work for you. If you can only make it "depending on date," there is a 1:364 chance of me picking the right date.

We are shooting for a saturday in october, but if sundays work better for you, let me know.
I just hope someone brings the Booty Sweat...
