noob attmept at ironman armor (heavy artillery)


Well-Known Member
i tried getting this done by halloween but there was so much trail and error i only got this far. its a noob attempt no where near what others have been able to accomplish but ill keep trying. maybe by my 4th one might have something decent looking lol. i basically used trash can plastic and a **** load of rivets. i put up some pics. any build advice and or tips appreciated. if you have any questions hit me up!
Most excellent! Very smooth helmet. May I ask which pep it started with?

Can't wait to see more. I love the bulkiness of it all.
That is quite a massive undertaking for an early project, but you're off to an excellent start! Please keep us informed on your progress!

thanx you guys are awesome...the helmet isnt even a pep..i kinda cheated lol, i went ahead and fiberglassed one of those $20 plastic ironman2 masks they sell at the halloween store. yeah i like the bulkiness too, since im a kinda of a big guy it helps me pull off the proportions a little better than say a markIII. the arc reactor i put together easier than i though i would...its one of those shed tap lights i got some clear rubber tubing, hotglued it to the tap light and made the dividers out of staples also hot glued...then i just wraped some duct tape around it. ill put up more pics asap. yes i do use the heat gun just for bends, its tricky to use...also i learned over trial and error that if you hot glue pieces in place 1st its way easier to drill and rivet later.
Dude that isn't cheating that's an amazing transformation from that ****ty helm they sell to this. Do you have any more pictures from all angles? Looks AMAZING!
...the helmet isnt even a pep..i kinda cheated lol, i went ahead and fiberglassed one of those $20 plastic ironman2 masks they sell at the halloween store.
No biggy, just made chicken salad out of chicken ****. LOL
Great job on the helm and the whole suit so far.
this is an incredible job that looks like it's being done on a modest budget, which is fantastic and almost unimaginable for an iron man suit...but you're doing it! amazing works so far. I love the techniques you're using, simple yet effective. nice job! looking forward to seeing more!
I think you're doing great! It's kinda hard to put the size into perspective, but it looks like this suit is quite a bit bigger than the "normal" Iron Man suits. Is this correct?
sorry i havent updated in a while...was working way too many hours. things are back to normal now so ill be working on the suit alot more. and posting alot more pics soon.
Any updates? I hope this project has not been abandoned... also I would love to see some more pics of that helmet.. it looks great considering it started from the 2 piece plastic one.
hey guys whats up ill be posting more pics soon just been a little fustrated with building the legs....