Nolan Catwoman suit?


Sr Member
TMP Catsuit?

I really want to do this but it depends on intrest.
The suit will be made durable but elastic fabric. Not leather, not silk og pvc (old chool style).... The idea will be to make it in more urban style and tactical realistic.

It will come in industrial sizez (girl erotic size) but since eleastic it will give and take.

Whould your girl be intrested?
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TMP Catsuit?

I really want to do this but it depends on intrest.
The suit will be made durable but elastic fabric. Not leather, not silk og pvc (old chool style).... The idea will be to make it in more urban style and tactical realistic.

It will come in industrial sizez (girl erotic size) but since eleastic it will give and take.

Whould your girl be intrested?

That is just a fan-made poster.

wolverine's hoody mixed with indiana jones whip and Mara Jades suit.

And i also think it looks like a guys face.
Not a fan of the mask, reminds me too much of the Halle Berry version.:sick The rest of it is pretty cool though. Except her 5'o clock shadow. My wife isn't really in to dressing up, but I'd be interested to see what you come up with for the fabric.
Buncha sexists, why does Catwoman have to be a woman.... I mean, wait, err um.

Personally I think this rendition looks too utilitarian and useful, Catwoman was really more about the sexy style over the substance. I like my Catwomen without a bunch of packs and gear.

but I'm not in the target market for this costume, because of my dudage so my opinion on the concept doesn't matter too much, carry on!
yuck. Ugly all the way around lol


This mask is horrible (costume itself is bleh, but passable). I see no reason to deviate from the current Catwoman costume with the goggles. It's sleep and sexy and can easily be brought to the big screen without looking ridiculous...
Well i am looking at the design not the face.
I think its a cool design how it connect and makes a logical home made suit.

I am full aware of its a fanmade, but still i think its cool because its represents more realisem. not facy pantsy lycra or pcv... If you touch any of that it tears... if you fall you get hurt.
definatley not a "nolan catwoman suit" as the title says. Should have been titled "thinking of turning this fan design into a costume".
:eek:sick:sick:thumbsdownAwful does'nt even begin to describe that.

I am sure there is enough talent on this forum to come up with something light years above that one.
Looks like Katee Sakhoff from the new BSG to me.

I'm not seeing it, but now that you mention it... She'd make a great catwoman!

I actually like the bodysuit on this. Or at least the idea of it. It could use some tweaking. I'm sure its a rippoff of a bodysuit from the production stills of another film, so its probably not viable as an original design. The mask, however, looks like Halle Berry's terrible mask from that terrible movie.
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