Nobody's Vader


Well-Known Member
Finally got some decent pics of my Vader and thought I would share them.


Let me know what you think.
Looks good, the chest armour is a different gunmetal grey from the face. What kind of helmet do you have on (JB, SPFX etc)?
Thanks for the kind comments. Actually the gunmetals are the same color, I don't know why they look different in the picture. It's a Cking helmet.
Looks good. How's your cape attached? And any chance you can post pics of the inside fo the helmet? I am ALWAYS interested in what "other vaders" do on the inside of the helmet. Pics of my inside are floating around here somewhere.
Originally posted by DarthKahnt@Mar 27 2006, 02:28 PM
Looks good, nicely done.

What kind of helmet is that?

I asked earlier, it's a CKing (Don Post Deluxe copy), looks good, nothing wrong with a good DP DLX.

You're right the front of the cape is short, When I had it hemmed I just measured straight down my back and did not account for the extra length that is needed to go across my shoulders and down, so it's the correct length in the back and then rises up in the front.
Originally posted by Fatherless One@Mar 27 2006, 05:05 PM

I asked earlier, it's a CKing (Don Post Deluxe copy), looks good, nothing wrong with a good DP DLX.


True Alan. I have a CKing myself but that one looks different to me for some reason. Maybe just the lighting or something.