Re: New Members: Please Introduce Yourselves Here!...
Hello! It's great to finally be a member here.
A little about myself:
My name is Brandon and I'm an overall geek in my early thirties with an adorable 2 year old girl and two step-sons, aged 11 and 13. For the most part, I work in the IT industry, mainly doing UNIX admin stuff, though lately I've been making websites on the side. I currently live in southern California, but within the next couple of months I will hopefully be moving. The rest of the family is already there, I'm just getting things ready here while riding the lease out.
Like I said, I'm an overall, well rounded geek. Meaning I like to think that I have a good variety of interests. I love Star Wars, yet still watch and have seen almost everything Star Trek. Honestly, sci-fi in general is usually just great for me. I also enjoy great books, video games and all number of TV shows geeky and fun. I am also a huge car person. I grew up around all manner of muscle cars, I lived in Okinawa for a time and grew to appreciate Japanese performance cars, and I've since become a stout admirer of Jezza and the rest of the crew at Top Gear, which has opened my eyes on European cars. Anyway...
I found this forum while watching ASavage's talk about his Dodo bird. I've always loved the idea of building things with my hands, using my imagination to try and figure out how to make something work. After coming across this forum, I've immersed myself in all the great tips and tricks I could find. I hoping to try my hand soon at making my first few attempts at molding and casting, just as soon as I get moved.
The only things I'd even consider mentioning that I've done or worked on so far is some paper craft items and a DST TOS communicator that I'm turning into a Bluetooth device. I actually got this idea from a video on YouTube. Color me surprised when sometime in the last week or two I find a post by that same person. Anyhow, I've stalled so far, as I have to source a better amp circuit than my first attempt. I got the first one working based off a cheap Motorola headset that was on clearance and an amp circuit based on the LM386. Sadly, the power demands were too much and I have to start again from scratch. Considering this is a present for a friend of mine, I really need to get cracking.
That's it for me, I believe. I'm happy to finally be a member and to get a chance to "mingle" with so many talented people. Hopefully I can pick up a thing or three and learn something.