New improved President's phone (and Multipass) from Fifth Element


Master Member
EDIT: New improved, see last post


A pair of vintage Remote Commanders off ebay:

Rather than re-paint them I decided to sand and polish the text off.

Right, I want a working LED! But how am I going to fit an LED, a 1" wide battery, wires and a microswitch into the cramped space while preserving the movement of all the buttons...?
3.jpg wiring the battery and LED into the existing circuit board and using one of the device's many buttons as the on/off switch!

Actually, I didn't think there was a hope in hell that this was going to work as I know absolutely nothing about electronics...

To my surprise, it worked. And as a bonus it turns out that the button is pressure sensitive, so the harder you press it the brighter the LED glows.

Cramming it all back in there...

I used a segment cut from a green magic marker to firmly attach the two halves together with Super Glue.

The almost finished article. Hopefully I'll be adding the translucent red antenna tomorrow.



I do realise that on screen this LED wasn't lit up, and instead there was a 2nd LED in place of the rectangular button near the top. Does anyone know what kind of LED this was? Was it a rectangular LED? Or a normal LED behind a rectangular 'lens'? Did it have some kind of white frame around it? :confused
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Re: WIP: President's phone from Fifth Element

Very cool! Nice to see "the real deal" vesus a resin cast. Well done.
Re: WIP: President's phone from Fifth Element

That looks sweet!!

Remember to add a resistor in there somewhere to keep your LED from getting too hot.
Re: WIP: President's phone from Fifth Element

Ooow! These look interesting :)

Screen used phone:
Re: WIP: President's phone from Fifth Element

Is that the rectangular LED in the middle of the top front of the phone?
Re: WIP: President's phone from Fifth Element

Just looking at the prop takes me back...

"Oh, please. That doesn't even sound like him! The President's an idiot, you don't sound like an idiot.
Re: WIP: President's phone from Fifth Element

Great looking phone. :thumbsup
Well done!
Re: WIP: President's phone from Fifth Element

Thanks, I'll try to upgrade it later :)

Was the round LED even supposed to light up as well?

on the screen used phone, there is a small switch on the back to turn the led on and off, you can see it in the pic that kurtyboy posted. you can better see the location on my replica phones below.

Re: WIP: President's phone from Fifth Element

The rectangular LED is an HLMP-2300. I think Mauser stocks them. They come in different colors, so make sure you order the red ones.