New Fettpride FPH Boba Helmet ESB Style


Sr Member
I posted this over at The Dented Helmet, here is my latest project, the new Fettpride FPH Boba Fett helmet, I've had this for a few weeks now and am only just getting round to painting her up, Im going for the ESB movie colour scheme, alot of Fett fans who do the ESB paint scheme go for the AOSW look which has alot more scratches, nicks and other little pieces that have happend to the helmet as a result of being handled over the many years of being moved from place to place on display and what not. I started by trimming out the T-Visor area and Keyslots on the back of the helmet, the details and proportions are easily the best I've seen for a fan made Boba Fett helmet. Once the trimming was done I applied a few light coats of gray primer and then set to work on some of the major colours, I'm painting this topically instead of using the layered method that I have used in the past, mainly because with topical I believe it is 'easier' for want of a better word, to recreate the battle damage more accurately. Please excuse the poor quality of these initial photos I am having a few digi-camera nightmares, hopefully over the next week or so I can get some much better pics up, stay tuned for more!! :thumbsup
Ah the FPH... I finally got to see one in person last week. An amazing helmet.

Great work so far. Can't wait to see your progress.

I totally agree that topical is easier.
Nice start, I love the details on the inner cheeks. Do you have any shots in natural light? The green seems a little bright, great start though.:thumbsup
Yes the combination of terrible quality pics plus bad lighting has really brightened up the green, I'm working on getting some better ones up soon! :thumbsup
Having never owned any BM Helmets/armour I cant really tell you, all I can say is that this is the BEST Boba Fett helmet Ive ever owned and Ive had a few :thumbsup
Update, after starting again with all the colours I'm now going by Rogue Studios recommended list, starting with a base of Panzer Olive Green, and then applying Caboose to the mandible area, I've also layed down the flat black under the cheeks and later today will get started on the back of the helmet (the fun part :wacko) The paints I used are all Floquil enamels, sorry for the bad pic I am still waiting on a new digital camera
It is a really really nice sculpt, its based on the ESB hero helmet which although technically from the same mould as the other production helmets, was damaged and then repaired giving it some unique characteristics of its own, such as the slight flare (wider appearance) For a fan made sculpt its easily the best I've ever seen or owned, more pictures soon :thumbsup
Update, Ok all base colours applied I'm now detailing the killstripes, spent a good hour masking them off this afternoon and the next step is to apply masking fluid (I recommend Winsor and Newton) to the areas of Panzer Olive Green that stay exposed, I will apply the yellow with a very fine sponge to get a nice even finish, this is also done to save having to mask the entire helmet again for airbrushing, heres the helmet with the masking tape applied and before the masking fluid goes on, more to come :thumbsup
Update - Killstripes are now down, I'm pretty happy with how they came out, alot of masking tape and masking fluid was used to get the right overall appearance, I've now started detailing under the cheeks with the grey details, heres how she stand right now, thanks for the feedback keep it coming :thumbsup
I assume you are not using the layering technique for the weathering, can you share your reasons for that? I have been debating myself :confused which technique to use on my BM lid. Given the intricate patterns, I am concerned that I may leave the masking fluid on the lid longer than the recommend time, and spoil the paint under the mask.

Your progress is looking good.:thumbsup

That's looking very nice so far, CC. :thumbsup

I'm assuming FPH stands for Fett Pride Helmet. Is calling it an "FPH" a way to distinguish this as the latest version compared to his older helmets?
Yes thats correct, Fettpride produced this latest helmet based on extensive modifications to his MSH-2, more details can be found at the dented helmet, as I mentioned before he wanted to capture the specific look of the ESB hero helmet as opposed to making a generic 'Boba Fett' Helmet in fact I believe it was originally going to be called the FB-ESB (bit of a mouthful :lol)

With regards to the painting technique I've used the layered method before with good results but based on what I've seen of other peoples build ups with topical it just seems the better route to get all the details as accurate as possible, what I tend to do is using the reference material, very lightly draw with a sharp pencil the areas I intend to paint and then simply (but very carefully) paint over them, this has always been one of the toughest paint jobs to get right and I'm doing my best to stay true to the original :thumbsup
I assume you are not using the layering technique for the weathering, can you share your reasons for that? I have been debating myself :confused which technique to use on my BM lid. Given the intricate patterns, I am concerned that I may leave the masking fluid on the lid longer than the recommend time, and spoil the paint under the mask.

Your progress is looking good.:thumbsup


Another process I went through before masking my killstripes was to apply some masking fluid to an area on the helmet and leaving it for say an hour or so, I did this to see if it left any greasy residue once removed, the area I applied it to was an area I was going to paint over anyway if that makes sense, its a good way of testing the 'life' of your masking fluid :thumbsup
Update - starting to add the damage sections and also got the 'cat scratch' done on the left hand side of the helmet above the brow, I'm really pleased with how shes turning out so far, all comments/suggestions welcome :thumbsup