New custom mannequin and head sculpture - 13 Ghosts First Born Son


Sr Member
Hey all,

I've just updated the website with photos of a recent Sculpture-Bust-Statue and Custom Mannequin Movie Prop Display project.

Wesley at came to us with the original wardrobe for the character "the First Born Son" from the movie "Thirteen Ghosts." This was the 50's cowboy kid with an arrow through his head. Wes had the pants, shirt, socks, wig, belt and cap-gun... even the plastic figures. All that was missing was a pair of shoes, an arrow and of course, a head!

Wes wanted a display that could incorporate all of the elements he had. He also wanted something that was downright creepy.

Pose is always a major consideration and in this case we chose to have the figure sitting Indian style and looking upwards (no doubt contemplating our doom!). Using the wig and costume as sizing reference, we created a custom head sculpture of the creepy looking kid from the film. Once cast up, it was painted with pale blotchy tones and chapped-looking undead lip color. We inserted custom glass eyes looking upward for a little extra menace.

The body was created by modifying a child-sized version of the bendable mannequins available on our site's shop page. The addition of more realistic hands, custom weathered shoes and a vintage arrow would complete the body.

Since glass was a major part of the sets in the film, I designed a base that incorporated the glass element. This not only gave the display a much need visual "lift", but it nicely echoes the film and puts this figure in context.

BTW, as a little in-joke, I've set the plastic toys up so that the cowboys are in for a bit of a sneak attack. No doubt one will end up with an arrow through the head just like the First Born Son!

Wes and I are both thrilled with the final result and I hope you guys will be too.

Thanks for looking and best regards,

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That looks amazing, Tom. Great work, as always. :)

edit: I like your Gary Busey sculpt, too! :lol (the Juggernaut)
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Man that looks just like a "real" little kid sitting down with an arrow through his head! I think one of the most realistic sculpts you have done! Great job! the pose looks so natural!

Wow, thats creepy, man...

Good work... The other ghosts are a little bit more scary, but I dont want to have this guy sitting in my room at night... :confused
"He also wanted something that was downright creepy."

He should be very happy.Because it is downright creepy!!:eek
Wow amazing work again Tom!

And another amazing piece for the owner of Wickedprops. He has some awesome original pieces only improved by Tom's ability to put some life into them.
Always amazing work. I really need to win the lottery so I can have an incredible Halloween(the holiday, not the film) set-up. :lol
Wow...really nice. You guys are going to end up doing all the ghosts eventually lol i am looking forward to a certain female ghost he he

Funny, I have a house full of monsters, but I honestly don't think I could have that - just too creepy! Very nice work. The only thing that doesn't quite work for me is the hands - I think maybe they look a little too rigid to be believable.
One of the few examples of perfect eye-positioning!
He looks straight into your eyes (and will win any staring contest...).
Great display!
Thanks all! I think my wife would agree with all the "creepy" comments... she couldn't wait for me to get this thing out of the studio :)

The only thing that doesn't quite work for me is the hands - I think maybe they look a little too rigid to be believable.

I agree 100% on that, but better hands weren't in the budget on this one. As part of an overall display, they're a small enough element that they don't bring things down too badly, but if I had more to work with, I'd have gone with lifecast hands that were a bit "looser" in pose.

thanks again folks!