NEO & Shade's Iron Man II Mrk6 Collaboration!!!

Prince NEO

Sr Member
So me and Shade got to thinking about how we really want Iron Man at our school carnival. They do one every year and last year they had mini Master Chief. This year our DRAMA deparment is doing a thing where if you pay a dollar, Roman Soldiers drag a person of your choice to jail and lock them their, and our teacher said I could be Iron Man instead of a Roman. So, to make the pepping less of a bore and pain, I enlisted Shade's help as we are close to the same size with him being a little bit shorter, nothing some bigger soled shoes wont fix:)

Sooooo, We are going to pep this suit using Robo's files (Thank you a bunch for taking the time to make and distribute them, and thank you for being the same size as me roughly, resizing is a big pain.:thumbsup)

We both are splitting the left and right sides and dividing the middle parts of the suit between ourselves, we are starting with the hands and working to the shoulders, then the thighs to the boots before starting the middle.

Anyway, without further ranting, here is the start of our armor:
(Pics tomorrow after I finish the hand pep I'm working on)

Side note, if it's posted by me, I assembled it, if it's posted by Shade he did, just to avoid confusion.
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Re: NEO & Shade's Iron Man Collaboration!!!

Get out. j/k
Did Justin tell you yet? Megots all the real *thingies* that me and my team are making pep files out of. >:)
We're trying for Mark 6 and War Machine first.
Anyway, good idea, it would be pretty badass to be Iron Man at the carnival. When is it?
Re: NEO & Shade's Iron Man Collaboration!!!

dunno when it is yet, and Justin didn't have to tell me, you told me a while ago, but said you weren't 100% sure that they were real files form the movie, and I haven't decided on Mrk 4 or Mrk 6 yet
And thanks
Re: NEO & Shade's Iron Man Collaboration!!!

Well last night I started the plate above the hand for the right hand after I posted this thread, and I finished to 12:03 in the morning because I got distracted by some ghetto version of Tosh.0 on youtube called "=3" I'll have pictures of the plate and hopefully more tonight, and maybe Shade will too, I'll call him later and find out for sure.
Re: NEO & Shade's Iron Man Collaboration!!!

Okay guys, I started pepping earlier and got done the hand plate. I'm wasting my time posting these few pictures because I don't know if I'll be able to pep anything later. I'm working on the left hand at the moment and I'll replace these with pics of the updated hands including all the hand pieces. thanks to robo for the files, couldn't have done it with out ya!

We're having a contest to see who can finish the hand first:lol. We're tied with the hand plate as of now. Anyway, enjoy guys!


Oh I forgot to mention, does anyone else notice the bathroom has AWESOME lighting for pics?:lol
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Re: NEO & Shade's Iron Man Collaboration!!!

/\ agreed

Not bad Justin, but the part where the two pieces meet is starting to wrap, you may want to tape it down instead of clipping it, tape can always be cut.

Pictures of my work will always be in my first post.
Shade's work will always be in his first post.

Side note, I had to put the plate on my left hand as I am right handed and the button on the camera is too much of a pain to press with my left hand while holding it.

Oh, and we have decided to do Mrk.6 because I haven't seen many completed ones running around, plus we can see how ours stacks up to David's

Oh and who thinks we should make our race to finish the hand a little more interesting?
How about whoever finishes the hand last has to make one of the winner's parts instead?
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Depends on which part.

Oh and talk to Kenny about getting your printer back and about getting him to do the hip pods cuz I sure as **** don't wanna pep them, they'll come out like snot with tape.
Well if I win you pep my bicep or thigh

And I know, I will tomorrow.

Just an update, I have the entire palm done, all that's left is the plate under the hand flap and the fingers, be prepared to do an extra pep Shade, Myahahaha
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Okay guys, update. Not much gettin done with the unable to print things part so I've been tryin like all hell to convince Neo to try foam. I know there are patterns out there for the Mark IV/VI suit and I know foam will let us work that much faster.

Anyway, onto more update status, we're forgoing the arms right now in favor of the Chest, Shoulders, and Biceps. Reason being, Logan is a Senior in High School and Senior pictures are coming up. The way our school does Senior pictures is they're outsourced to some other company where you basically can wear what you want and have whatever background you want. You see where I'm going with this yet? Neo (the crazy b****** that he is) wants to wear the upper half on the Ironman suit (the pictures are upper body only) shooting a thumbs up in front of the set of Jericho missiles from the first movie.

SO, I'm looking for patterns for the Mark IV/VI chest and back for foam use if I can. It will be 10 times easier than pep work so if anyone knows where I might get some that'd be great, if not, I'll design my own.

Okay, so Shade was going to post this, and he beat me to it, lol

(the crazy b****** that he is)

It's my Senior year, and our school requires portraits for our year book, you have to pay like $50 for them and you can do ANYTHING you want in them and wear ANYTHING you want, everyone else is doing PJ pics and Suit pics, so you see where this is going, right?

For mine, which has to be done by Oct 31st, I want to have from my ribs to my neck done for the Iron Man suit, and I want to wear that in my picture, with a picture of the Jericho missiles in the background (Yes this is allowed) and an Iron Man helmet cradled under my arm.

What does this mean for the build? It means we are dropping the hands as Shade can't print anyway, and we a moving right to the chest and back, then the shoulders and biceps to get this finished in time!!!

God Bless Iron Man, and God Bless The United States Of America.

Update: The palm I had been pepping was printed incorrectly so t was too small for my hand, so I had to scrap it anyway. =/

I am almost done with the brace but I'm going out somewhere today so I wont be back until like 6 or 7.

Another update, I finished the Brace, but don't have enough time to post pics before I have to go to bed, I'll post them after I get back from school tomorrow.
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Here is a bump for some update pictures, I will have some of the back of the brace shortly, and if you look past the pic of me holding the face plate, you can see the start of my Captain American shield too, lol, also, some pictures of Jay's awesome imperfect helmet as Shade wanted to see it.

That's a collab project between me, Shark, and Shade :)

Sidenote on the sheild, a few mins ago, I went outside and tried to spry the base with expanding foam but the nozzle broke off, Pushing it down didn't work, does anyone know how to use it?

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clean out the foam from the inside of the white nozzle thing, and push it like you would rediwhip. keep that clean and you can reuse it as often as you want

and if you have some tubing that fits snug over it, it'll make things easier to reuse.
are you talking about the handle? or the white nozzle?

if you still have the white nozzle its salvagable. just get some tubing like i said take the handle off and never use them again. use bits of tubing that fit snug to the white nozzle, use it, take it off and throw it out, clean the white nozzle to store, put new tubing cut on to use again.

you can still probably use what you have.
the part you screw the handle onto broke off and took enough of the nozzle's base with it that I can't press down on the base to release the foam.
ah now i understand. but like i said, get some tubing that snugs to the white nozzel and keep the white nozzle clean after each use, and you'll never have to use that retarded one time use handle again.
I'll give it a shot when I get a new can for sure, thanks :thumbsup

Okay, so I'm starting the chest right now and here are pictures of the brace.
I am sad to report that due to my father's short temper, the brace is gone, I'm still working on the chest every now and then, and hopefully Shade is working on the Bicep I gave him, but other then that, due to time constraints and no safe place to put bigger parts, this project is getting shelved for a little bit.