Need some help IDing a model


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Hey guys,

I know these pics aren't great, but this model is from an ILM production in the 80s. It is believed to be from Empire or Jedi, but I think it could be something else (Star Trek film?). It's about 6" long. It could also be a part of something else. Any ideas? Sorry for the crappy pics.




Also interested in IDing these detail pieces...nooo clue what they're from.


Those detail pieces are casted AT-AT butt assemblies.

The top piece might be part of the rag tag fleet (to steal from BG) seen indisctinctly at the end of ESB. There are a lot of weird ships in those shots that are never seen again.

Certainly has the tells of an ILM's loaded with kit parts they used all the time.
I'd deifintely say it's from the ESB Rebel fleet... that thing practically screams TIE Bomber body conversion with a deck on it. Too bad about the blurred detail up front, though the shapes can be read.
Originally posted by BAlinger15@Oct 29 2005, 08:30 PM
Which pieces are commonly used by ILMers?

It's almost all Saturn V parts, with what might be a Panther tank stuck on top.
I'm no expert, but it definitely feels like I've seen it at the end of ESB. I'll try to see if I can get a good screencap. :)
A ship is seen pretty well that is close in shape, but the orientation of it in the film makes me wonder if these images may show her 'upside down', relative to how it appeared in the fly-bys, coming and going. I've got some screengrabs, but haven't done squat with my webspace, and they're too large for WC hosting. If no one else gets anything by Sunday night, I'll wrangle them up here. Fun little diversion this, thanks for posting it.

btw, anyone trying to tackle the little bugger from RotJ in the Hyperspace image group?
(sorry, no, as it's a 'H' image, I won't post that one. Respect.)
Originally posted by BAlinger15@Oct 29 2005, 07:30 PM
Which pieces are commonly used by ILMers?


The Airfix Saturn V, Bandai 1/48 Panther, Tamiya 1/35 8-Rad, Hasegawa 1/72 Morse Karl and 1/72 Leopold Rail Guns are some of the more popular kits used at ILM.
In the top photo, the boxy piece on top is an upper hull from a Jagdpanther. If the whole assembly is about 6" long, the Jagdpanther is probably 1/76 or 1/72, but it could be the 1/48 Bandai. The trapezoidal bit sticking out the front appears to be the rear hull from the same kit, with some extra parts stuck on. The cylinders definitely look like Saturn V parts.

The lower left part in the "detail piece" photo appears to be based on an early T-34/76 turret top, with the large 1-piece hatch lid. If I had to guess, I'd say it was the 1/35 Tamiya 1941 version. There are a lot of other parts stuck on, though.

Edit: I dug out my Bandai Jagdpanther kit, and with the open hatch at the back of the casemate and the grill pattern on the engine deck, I'm fairly sure that's the Bandai hull in the photo.
Brandon, did you check the garbage yet that the Stardestoyer dumps before jumping to Hyperspace in TESB?

There's also a really LARGE Snowspeeder engine in that garbage.

Hey guys,

I'm very impressed at what you all were able to ID through those blurry photos.

I have checked the garbage dump scene as well as the Rebel fleet at the end of Empire and came up empty. Also looked through the Chronicles carefully and found no reference to this at all. I'm afraid it was likely just a background piece never seen clearly on screen. :-(

Originally posted by uzth4s@Oct 30 2005, 10:06 PM
Brandon, did you check the garbage yet that the Stardestoyer dumps before jumping to Hyperspace in TESB?

There's also a really LARGE Snowspeeder engine in that garbage.


Checked it, not in there...
Closest candidate, yet still off. Ah well... perhaps RotJ? OR, is anyone sure that this is from SW at all? I guess for IDing, this thread's done it's job. Would have been fun to nail the ship, though.[attachmentid=4752]

here is my thought
the purple vents off the back of the russian su85
the blue is a jagdtiger or jagdpanther the two are basically the same
the green is the back end a german tank-very likely the jagdtiger
the orange is saturn V
these may not be completely accurate but it is a start now its just left to find what manufacturer and what scale
simple as PIE
There is the hull of the Bandai 1/48 Jagdpanther, The rear of a Bandai 1/48 panther, one Ion engine form AMT's Darth Vader TIE, and the third stage from a Saturn V. Those parts appear to have been cut down and made shorter.
wow, that stuff looks exactly like the stuff I have in my garage....oh wait...

I'll see if I can get you guys some clearer pics of the "mystery ship"
So, how are those clearer pictures coming along. This seems like a very interesting and easy weekend build.
George :)