Need ironman costumes for paramount event in dallas

jd pilot

Sr Member
Need Iron Man costumes for paramount event in dallas

If anyone is in or can make it to Dallas in approx two weeks that has a Ironman, War Machine, a good Whiplash, Black Widow and Nick Fury suits and wants to be a part of a Paramount premiere, PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP. Pm me or email me at

Thanks in advance!
Re: Need Iron Man costumes for paramount event in dallas

Hmm... I cant figure this out... :confused

Are you now saying Paramount have got aproval from Marvel to do this? Confused... :unsure

I had 5 different Paramount representative from arround the world asking from Norway, UK, Australia, USA, and one more country i cant remember if we could attend with out suit at the premiers and promote the movie and make a LIVE SHOW...,

And i replied to all of them based on what i have recived of information about Marvels standpoint, that we would not attend unless the event was approved by Marvel.... So we have accepted their stand on this.

Also got big comercial company in China asking me the same. As well as month ago from Dubai for a VIP pree screening of Ironman, I also said, we would love to attend, but only if THEY were given permission from Marvel.

Can Paramount enusre that the costumed person does not get in trouble is this is a paid & coverd event? If yes..

Tell me, were did we go wrong? :)

We put so much work and dedication into that armor, and we even made 2 prototypes for Paramount to show and propose the idea of Live Ironman costumes at shows to Marvel.... Hopefully were doors close, windows and other doors will open :)

We would love to make and wear the armor for Marvel, Disney & Paramount events!!

Good luck with your event.
Re: Need Iron Man costumes for paramount event in dallas

All they have to do is say they're paying the person as a talent... Like me when I do a radio gig. The fact I'd wear a costume is just a bonus. They're paying me to show up and talk to fans - not to wear a suit - I'd do that on my own -

Make sense??
Re: Need Iron Man costumes for paramount event in dallas

A friend of mine puts on a lot of 'premiers' in Dallas for a bunch of different studios. Paramount sprung this one on him last minute, so he's trying to do what he can to get what he can. The studio asked if he could find Ironman, War Machine, ect, ect. to appear at the event. I was just trying help him locate some folks with Ironman and related suits and costumes. Folks won't be paid, but will get to see the movie and go to the party afterwards :)
Re: Need Iron Man costumes for paramount event in dallas

Holy crap - ya know if I had 25k and a team of people we could sculpt, mold and fab out a couple of suits LoL