My warehouse 13 farnsworth Update 08/28/10

thanks Mike it was a fun build hoping maybe some more reference pics of cluadia farnsworth farnsworth is shown and maybe the faceplate is produced (szyntax) hint hint =)
Sorry but I've decided to dedicate my efforts to original items only.
Nice job on the Farnsworth, keep up the good work.
thats cool bro. and gotta say if you hadnt made such sweet faceplates i would have never been able to do my part so thankyou and thanks for the props =D
thats cool bro. and gotta say if you hadnt made such sweet faceplates i would have never been able to do my part so thankyou and thanks for the props =D

Thanks to all who contributed to the Farnsworth builds! I'm happy as hell with mine! THANKS BOYS!!
It looks awesome!!
I have a few questions though. I have the parts list that I found elsewhere in the forum, but there's no faceplate on it..
Where did you get the faceplate that says farnsworth and/or how can you get one and do it yourself?
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