My Sir. Richard Shield from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade


Master Member
Hi Guy! I wanna show you my newest prop: Sir. Richard Shield!

What do you think? :cool



This is the original:

Thanks! This isn't my work. It was made by a italian guy, my dear friend "Short Round" ;)
Awesome looking shield Sarednab :) Congrats to your new prop.
I guess you are really happy with it, right ? If not, or if you have no space
left to show up this huge item, i can give you my address ;) I will display it
for you in my house hehe ;) (just joking, hope you don't mind).

Again congrats.... *thumpsup*
Eheheheh :)
I think I don't have enough space in my little museum. Tell me your address :p
So, you get it from short round?!?

FOR FREE?!???? :lol

Then, I take one, too...

Very nice... Now the church-window from LAst Crusade is still missing in your collection and... oh yeah... you missed Indys house on ebay... ;):lol
Yes I miss Venice Window, eheheh... but I have a new screen used prop directly from Indy's house in the last movie! You will find it in my next update for my website... soon, very very soon ;)
Thats ok, I still need to find a place for the grail tablet and the oranella mask... I need more walls... :lol

but that shield would look nice next to the grail knight sword... :love
Incredible prop. I love it. Is it complete on the other side? Does it have the hand hold?

Now you can complete the Grail Tablet rubbing.
