My new Episode 3 helmet


Well-Known Member







Disclaimer:The helmet was given to me as a gift buy a friend of mine who has no prop or costuming experience. He did not know what it was when he purchased it. All it was to him was a episode 3 helmet.It kinda put me in that grey area. Do I give it back to him? Do I re-sale it on E-bay and risk being labeled the bad "R" word. So I decided to paint it and wear it as a costume piece. So please no flame war over the origin of the helmet I know what it is and you know what it is and lets leave it at that. I do not condone recasting, And No I am not going to tell anyone where he got it. OH and sorry about the pic clarity all I have is a camera phone but those going to Dragon Con will be able to see it in the flesh along with the rest of my armor.
Cool. I can't wait to see all the different clones in person at Dragon Con. I'll be sure to say "hi" if I see you.