My Modified Rubies Vader bucket


Well-Known Member
This has been covered before but I just made some better pics and thought I would share....
All i have done is cut the eyes out, put trooper lense material in them, and modified the dome..


These mods are more for display, others here have some better ideas for trooping but the dome placement is a must do modification...


I agree that dome position is everything, but looking at yours it looks as if you've pulled it too far down in the back. From the side, the brow of the dome should follow the brow of the upper eyelids, not cover them. Maybe you should try and pull it up a bit in the rear.

Just a suggestion.
What a difference the dome position makes on these. Your making me think I should give mine a second look. ;) With most of the mounting cut away do you have any problem keeping the dome on?
Looks good to me.. Of course, I'm not an expert.
Changing the position really makes a difference.

I have a Rudies and a CA that I need to reposition the lid on.
