My Jurassic Park display...


Legendary Member
Community Staff
Here are some pictures of my Jurassic Park display.

Also, here is the link to an interactive flash presentation of my display that I put together for my prop web page (if I ever get enough time to put one together :D). Of course it requires that you have the flash player plugin for your browser, is best viewed with 1024x768 or higher resolution and the file is about 4.5MB so it might take a bit of time to load.

Jurassic Park Display Flash Presentation

JP Display




Raw Amber Piece


Raptor Claw


Jurassic Park Brochure

Very nice display... and what a great job on your interactive presentation. The quality of the sound is excellent, and I love the "unlock" feature on the close-ups of the Cryo Can. :thumbsup

It looks as if the entire display is in a case. Might you be able to post a shot or two showing the entire display, including the case?
Thats really cool, Someday i have to get one of those Shaving Creme bottles whit DNA.
Kudos on the interactive portfolio of your collection ... and for having such a killer collection to start with.

Nice job.
Thanks guys...
Originally posted by temponaut@Mar 2 2006, 08:02 PM
Very nice display... and what a great job on your interactive presentation. The quality of the sound is excellent, and I love the "unlock" feature on the close-ups of the Cryo Can. :thumbsup
I definitely didn't want to skimp on the sound quality; the sounds are just too cool to mess up (that's the reason why the flash file is so big).

Originally posted by temponaut+Mar 2 2006, 08:02 PM--><div class='quotetop'>(temponaut @ Mar 2 2006, 08:02 PM)</div>
It looks as if the entire display is in a case. Might you be able to post a shot or two showing the entire display, including the case?
Yep, it's one shelf of the Detolf display cases from Ikea (pictured bellow). I am in the process of re-doing my collection into displays like this; one shelf at a time (only 19 more shelves to go :D).

<!--QuoteBegin-Prop Runner

But where's your Hammond Cane and hard hat?
At the moment, I am trying to limit myself to items that can fit in the Detolf case so that I can have some reason to attempt to show some sort of restraint (like that is going to last long :lol).

Just a thought: you could take two of the glass shelves to a glass cutter and they could punch 2 clean round holes in the center or off to the side so you could insert your cane. I think that solution would be as much a conversation piece as the replica itself. :)

- Gabe
So, your JP collection is in one compartment of a Detolf case? Excellent. Those cases seem to add elegance to whatever is in them. I've been waiting for Ikea to arrive here in Japan. The first branch is slated to open in Chiba Prefecture (not too far outside of Tokyo) later this year.

Originally posted by Prop Runner@Mar 3 2006, 12:42 PM
Just a thought: you could take two of the glass shelves to a glass cutter and they could punch 2 clean round holes in the center or off to the side so you could insert your cane.  I think that solution would be as much a conversation piece as the replica itself. :)
That's an ingenious idea. The Detolf would become an authentic "custom" display case and, as Gabe said, a conversation piece in itself. And if you do put holes for your cane through a shelf or two, you can expand your JP display into two compartments and have room for your hard hat and a couple of dinosaur eggs.

So much for showing restraint. :p
The only problem I see with the idea of cutting a couple of holes in the case to display this cane is, it would make it a pain if you wanted to take it out and handle it
Originally posted by allosaur176@Mar 3 2006, 08:11 AM
The only problem I see with the idea of cutting a couple of holes in the case to display this cane is, it would make it a pain if you wanted to take it out and handle it

You could cut out a small 90 degree section from two shelves at the forward left or right edge big enough for the cane? This would allow the cane to be removed. This way it won't screw up a display on the other shelves as much as having a hole down the center of the shelves would. Now that I think of it I'm gonna do that with mine. Thanks Gabe. :thumbsup

Sure, now that I have all 20 shelves planned out in detail, you guys plant this seed. :wacko :D
Originally posted by Montagar@Mar 3 2006, 11:25 AM
Sure, now that I have all 20 shelves planned out in detail, you guys plant this seed.  :wacko :D

I know. Now I'm rethinking many of my shelves. I didn't want to hang my cane where the clear resin would touch anything as I've had clear resin react with things in the past, dulling the surface or even leaving minute indentations from sitting for long periods of time, although it could have been poorly cured or mixed resin. The shelf modification would be great as the amber top wouldn't touch anything other than maybe glass which is non-reactive.

I wonder how hard it would be to cut the glass myself? :confused
Originally posted by Prop Runner@Mar 2 2006, 10:42 PM
Just a thought: you could take two of the glass shelves to a glass cutter and they could punch 2 clean round holes in the center or off to the side so you could insert your cane.  I think that solution would be as much a conversation piece as the replica itself. :)

- Gabe

That's a great idea.

Thanks, guys. I was just "thinking outside the Detolf"... :p

Would love to see the final display if anyone goes that route.

Regarding protecting the "amber" on my cane, is there some sort of clear coat that I can either spray on or dip the "amber" in to create a hard, scratch-resistant surface?

- Gabe
Originally posted by Prop Runner@Mar 3 2006, 01:19 PM

Thanks, guys.  I was just "thinking outside the Detolf"...  :p

Would love to see the final display if anyone goes that route.

Regarding protecting the "amber" on my cane, is there some sort of clear coat that I can either spray on or dip the "amber" in to create a hard, scratch-resistant surface?

- Gabe

Future floor wax, thinned with a little water. Use some painters tape and mask off the top of the wood cane. Then just dip and when it has stopped dripping, tip over and allow to dry away from air drafts and dust.

Won't ruin the amber and can be cleaned off if you change your mind.

Disclaimer. I've used this process in the past with sucess but make no claim to it's safety or suitability for this particular application. I'm not responsible for any harm that may come to your piece. Seriously.
Originally posted by Prop Runner@Mar 3 2006, 02:19 PM

Thanks, guys.  I was just "thinking outside the Detolf"...  :p

Would love to see the final display if anyone goes that route.

Oh and BTW Prop Runner, one of the remaining 19 spaces is reserved for a certain blaster, but I don't think that you would want the cane cutting through that location. :p :D
Love the display...I have hammond's cane the maps and a hardhat on the way...
Just need to figure out a way to display it...
I like the map background, I may have to steal that idea :)
That's nice :love

It's almost enough to make me want to start a JP collection (my name is already down for the amber chunk). :)