My Iron Man Movie helmet Update page2(another helmet )


HI ,Gang
I'm not stay my home for long time (long time to online too :cry) .Just came back and will post my friend and I project Iron Man helmet .
This prototype before paint




Will post pic of finish Mark II and Mark III tomorrow .:lol
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Re: My Iron Man Movie helmet (another helmet )

very nice. I am not an IM expert, but that looks very symetrical and clean.
Re: My Iron Man Movie helmet (another helmet )

thats looks great.well done

was this one sold on ebay with the chome job?

also the screws, were they scratch made or a found item?
Re: My Iron Man Movie helmet (another helmet )

I can't see the pics either.
Re: My Iron Man Movie helmet (another helmet )

Oh My gawd the pics are life guys are missing out !!!!!!!!!
Re: My Iron Man Movie helmet (another helmet )

thats weird as soon as i posted the pic above the other pics dissapeared :confused
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Re: My Iron Man Movie helmet (another helmet )

Yeah that is deff the same one as the chromed one(s) on ebay.
Very nice sculpt!

Re: My Iron Man Movie helmet (another helmet )

Not to take anything away from the previous works I have seen here on this board, but DAYUM! That has got to be the closest to screen-perfect that I have seen yet.
Re: My Iron Man Movie helmet (another helmet )

The eyes look a little too widely spaced, but other than that its perfect.
Re: My Iron Man Movie helmet (another helmet )

This is it!!

Been waiting for this for a while. It's the most accurate helmet I have ever seen.

I been studying Ironman helmet since the begging.

It will be a nice piece to own.
Re: My Iron Man Movie helmet (another helmet )

Wow... Did you take a 3D scan of the sideshow?
I also noticed the helmet is in two parts. One lower and one upper.
Why did you do this? Is it becasuse its small in size?

It looks great.
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Re: My Iron Man Movie helmet (another helmet )

Great job keep me up to date.
Thanks and take care
Re: My Iron Man Movie helmet (another helmet )

Hi, I have problem with geocities (that I upload pic ) I will try to moved to anothe site .Thanks for Zorg you (y)thumbsup(y)love:love
Thanks gang and yes I send this helmet to E-bay I and my friend intend to made only 3 helmet 3 version on ebay ( Mk II, Mk III and Mk III damage )
This Mk II



I used Vac metalising chrome process and top over spray with black but I think it not good cause sone area not good will try to spray paint if somebody have good spray chrome Please let me know .Next are Mk III


Same by Vac met and paint Candy RED still don't like all helmet I used Blue LED in eye but it can see trougt cause I spray white only rim of the eye it can see in center eye area ( see pic of MkII that light off ).

I send all this helmets to E-bay it will finished soon .
If I offer in RPF who interesting ?:lol:lol :lol:lol Let me know man ?
I don't know Geocities will still have problem again I will try to change new web tomorrow .
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hi Thatiya, i cant see any pics now, have you tried the likes of photobucket? thats what i use and they have not let me down so far..

looking forward to seeing the painted up helmets :thumbsup

Yes, please host the images on another host, geocities (yahoo) is unstable... I can't see the pics!:(

Once again, awesome work bro! Your work never fails to impress me, always! Thanks for sharing! :thumbsup

Stay safe,
